View Full Version : Missed beats (PVCS/SVT) Please help :(

02-04-07, 22:41
Hi everyone, i am new to this board and need some reassurance please.....
To cut a long story short: I am 27 yrs old and have suffered from panic attacks for almost 5 years. The panic attacks and anxiety were caused by being misdiagnosed by my doctors. I have recently found out that the racing heart i used to experience was not all in my mind but SVT ( when you get a fast racing heart for NO reason, it starts and stops suddenly and my heart rate is usually about 200bpm!) Anyway for the last 5 months i have also discovered that i get PVCs or "missed beats" :huh: My anxiety and stress levels are through the roof beacuse of the PVCs! They really really scare me. :weep: I have been told that they are benign but its soooo hard to believe. It's sad for me to admit that i have not been able to step outside my house because of them. :weep: Things are really bad at the moment as i am experiencing 20-100 pvcs a day!! I also have felt upto 3 in a row! :weep: Has anyone else had them before? Please give me some advice as i am very very scared and this thing is ruining my life. Is there anyone else who gets PVCs or even SVT? :weep:

02-04-07, 22:48
Hi there

Welcome aboard

They are so so common.

Read the posts under this thread....


and the palpitations website page on the left.

03-04-07, 10:09
I dont suffer from any of the above but i have looked after plenty of people who have and it is a really frightening thing to have happening to you. However it is benign and very common, i know thats not much help to you to hear this but im sure there will be some people who will come along and speak from personal experience and give you some comfort that way,i justwanted to say that i understand how frustrating it must be for you and i hope you find some way to deal with it.