View Full Version : Crazy Making Behaviour

02-11-16, 14:09
Well where do I start? I am 35 and have recently become estranged from my mother. We have never had an easy relationship, I would say for as long as I can remember and only just recognised her behavior can only be described as emotionally and verbally abusive. My father left when I was one and she pined for him, I do believe I was little more than an inconvenience (only my thoughts) I never had a consistent relationship with my father to this day although it is a lot better. As a young child my mother would often in anger call me a slut and a prostitute, luckily for me I had fabulous grandparents, sadly my grandfather passed away when I was 11, on the day of his funeral my mother told me my grandfather never loved me anyway all because I was taking too long choosing an outfit. My mother went onto remarry and has two further children with my stepfather and I moved in with my grandmother. Out of the blue when I was 12 she angrily told me that my brother could in fact be my biological dad’s and not my stepfather’s and then left it at that (my step father had only found out that day too and to this day they are still together). I am not allowed to speak about it for if I do I am a trouble causer and evil, my brother nor my sister are aware of this along with my father’s partner whom he has two children with carrying this “secret” with me for all these years has had a severe impact on me.
The rift has occurred due to me telling my mother I am not fond of my brothers recent girlfriend for various reasons, I know his relationship has nothing at all to do with me, but it is my opinion and that of many others including my sister who has also voiced her opinion in the same manner but we are all very polite to his girlfriend whom lives in my mother’s house with my brother. Because of this I got told I was jealous, controlling, a bully and then she pushed, shoved and nipped me then disowned me telling me she was through with me my step father said it was best I didn’t speak to my mother then cut me out of his life. My sister still voices her opinion and nothing to that extreme was done to her (not that I want that but I did not want the response I received).
My sister fully understand the wrongness of my mother’s actions and how it is projecting the one rule for one into our family but I told her not to get involved as I did not want any trouble for her. I thought I was very close to my sister and has supported her and done a lot for her especially the last 12 months. But recently she has decided to verbally attack one of my good friends over something entirely different and unrelated to me or my situation. She is now barely speaking to me but still being involved with my mother. I did not get involved in her dispute but I definitely thought she was wrong, I was afraid to tell her this as I can’t deal with the confrontation at the minute. When she does speak to me all she does is mention my mother and her father. My sister fell out with my for a year five years ago because she didn’t approve of my current partner, she then changed her tune and I forgive her for that. I am so embarrassed and ashamed of my family.
I have financially supported my mother and stepfather for many years and helped out my sister along with being their emotional crutch and have forgiven my mother for a lot of my childhood, this is crazy making behavior! I feel so low and anxious at this minute struggling to eat and sleep and she is there with the support of all her family accepting her behavior (although I do know why as they are scared of her backlash too) my partner works away half the year and I have two young children who I must function well for. I would really like some tips on how to overcome and get through this as I know my mother will be back in touch even if it is years to come and I really want to be free of this toxicity.
I could go on all day but am aware of the long post! Apologise for the rant haha

02-11-16, 14:21
What an awful situation. A lot of things were said that nobody should say to anyone. John Cleese (yes) has written a book on how to cope with weird family members, sadly I can't recall the title only that it was a good read. Look it up!

02-11-16, 14:25
What an awful situation. A lot of things were said that nobody should say to anyone. John Cleese (yes) has written a book on how to cope with weird family members, sadly I can't recall the title only that it was a good read. Look it up!

I'm going to look that one up. Some of my lot wouldn't look out of place on Jeremy Kyle!

02-11-16, 14:26
I certainly will be looking that one up thank you for the tip! x

02-11-16, 14:27
Your situation sounds awful and I'm sorry you are going through this.

Is there no way you could contact your mother and tell her you want nothing more to do with her with no exceptions? Tell her all she has done to you and how you feel. It's as though she has taken your Father leaving her out on you and holds some grudge against you.

As for her secret, I know that must be a huge burden for you to hold, but for the sake of other peoples feelings I'd try not to mention it. I know of somebody who didn't know who their real father was and lots of people were insisting they would tell them, but ultimately it had to come from their mother otherwise it would have been so much more hurtful.

I know it's hard and I'm not sure I'd be able to do it, but I truly feel you need to let it go in order to alleviate your anxiety over it. She doesn't seem to care and nor should you. Be happy with your partner and children, you don't need that in your life.

02-11-16, 14:30
I never had a consistent relationship with my father to this day although it is a lot better. As a young child would often in anger call me a slut and a prostitute,

Sounds like a top bloke! :mad:

What a life you've had!

You can't choose yer family lovely but you don't have to put up with their crap either.

Sending you a cyber hug.

02-11-16, 14:32
Thank you for your kind response. If I contacted her she would explode and say I was causing trouble I have no energy left for her irrationality. I would never tell my family what I know as I know it would tear my brother and sisters life apart and there is no good to become of them knowing. The age old saying you can choose your friends eh :weep:xx

---------- Post added at 14:32 ---------- Previous post was at 14:31 ----------

Sounds like a top bloke! :mad:

What a life you've had!

You can't choose yer family lovely but you don't have to put up with their crap either.

Sending you a cyber hug.

It was my mother who called me that 😳. Typo on my post. I relish the day I was born to my parents x

02-11-16, 14:49
Not easy but it would be best to cut all ties with your mother :( .

02-11-16, 14:53
Thank you for your kind response. If I contacted her she would explode and say I was causing trouble I have no energy left for her irrationality. I would never tell my family what I know as I know it would tear my brother and sisters life apart and there is no good to become of them knowing. The age old saying you can choose your friends eh :weep:xx

Apologies for the misunderstanding..

It's a massive burden to bear lovely. As for your mother, all I can say is that anyone can be a mother but some unfortunately lack the necessary parenting skills. Obviously your father's leaving was a problem to her but that doesn't excuse her behaviour.

I had a few problems with my mother over the years though not on the same level as you. She wasn't abusive but she was hard work and 'draining' especially when she was in psycho mode but when I stopped seeing her as my mother and started to see her as the human being that she was, I began to understand things and I felt compassion for her. It doesn't excuse the behaviour but it explains it.

Forgiving those who hurt us is the way to go because nothing good ever comes of holding onto hurt. It just serves to cause us more pain. It also takes strength so be proud of yourself. X

P.S I have no idea why the text has turned blue.:unsure:

02-11-16, 15:08
Many thanks for your responses. It is all still raw at the minute and has brought back many painful memories after forgiving her for so much. I am hoping to find inner peace again, I have an appointment with a therapist on Friday and will go for as long as it takes. I just feel frustrated and muted. Frustrated that there is nothing that I can do and that I tried so long to have a relationship with her and everybody allows her behaviour in fear of her reprimands and muted because I can't voice to them how this makes me feel because I am then attention seeking. Really appreciate all your responses x

02-11-16, 19:19
Hi , my partners mother was like yours but worse lucky for her she walked out when she was young and never came back , she doesn't care if she's still alive and has just got on with her life , I also had a friend with a similar mother she pushed her to suicide , some people should become parents they don't have the love in them , she doesn't deserve you as a daughter she should have unconditional love for you no matter what you do in life , have you condsidered a hit man ? Ps found out at my dads funneral hed led a double life and I had a brother and sister , cheers dad , bloody family .

02-11-16, 19:50
, have you condsidered a hit man ?


02-11-16, 21:01
Here's the book by Cleese anyway, I looked up the link for you.

---------- Post added at 22:01 ---------- Previous post was at 21:55 ----------

What you also might choose to do is to look up the concept of "nonviolent communication" a concept invented or at least taught by Professor Marshall Rosenberg. I'm a big fan, and have bought several of his books. Here's a link to one lecture he has held: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YwXH4hNfgPg

But if your mother is as difficult as she is ... sometimes it's better to look elsewhere for support, and not have any contact. I didn't with my dad for the last ten years he lived (except by phone but it often ended in him saying something that made me cry and feel really bad or worthless, so in hindsight it wasn't such a good idea to keep in touch, for me that is. He died right over my 40th birthday by the way, that was difficult.)

02-11-16, 21:26
Thank you so much for the advice and links it is wholly appreciated xx