View Full Version : Having a bad time!

02-04-07, 22:43
Hi guys

I know I haven't been replying to many posts on here or coming on here often am sorry. Am having a crap time, I am failing college, Lost my motivation to do my work, I am fat, I am single, I keep getting really aggressive, I still can't cry and I really need to, I have no money, I have like no friends at all that live near me so I stay at home all the time on my own, so much crap is going on, my ocd and anxiety are all over the place, am going round in circles. I duno what to do. I know all the time I keep complaining about this but I just don't know what to do am scared and fed up of everything. Nothing that anyone tells me is going to cheer me up, so I don't know why am posting, guess just for a bit of support really. Am sorry to keep going on, I annoy everyone, I guess none of what I've said in this post makes sense either and its long so am sorry, you don't have to reply to this post if you don't want to, guess am just ranting.

x x

02-04-07, 22:46
Hey Scoobs

Have a hug :hugs:

Try to address one problem at a time and not see the whole picture cos that is overwhelming.

Tackle each issue until it is resolved and then move on to the next one.

You can and will get there soon ok? :yesyes:

Pink Princess
03-04-07, 14:35
hey scooby xxxxx


im sorry to hear things are bad for you. you dont deserve any of this to carry around, especially not on your own. please let me know if there is anything i can do to help. things will get better again. xxxxxxx

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx


03-04-07, 14:42
Hiya Scooby,

Sorry your feeling so bad at the moment. I don't really know what to say that will help - just keep fighting, take one thing at a time and keep posting on here or going into a chat. Take the support that everyone on here can offer honey. Sending a big hug to you :hugs: .

DShell x

08-04-07, 13:06
awww scooby..you shouldnt be doing this alone..you need to keep talking..keep being as brave/strong as you already are. :) just keep fighting and keep posting/go on chat on here. were all here for you. :)


:bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1:

09-04-07, 13:48

10-04-07, 00:46
Lucy :hugs: :hugs: xxx

11-04-07, 13:03
im sorry lucy ya feeling so low hun one day things will get better we have to keep tellin ourselves that and mean it hun big hugs to you lucy ..................love ya linda xxxx

13-04-07, 00:50
Aww Lucy,

Sorry I haven't been around to talk to lately. I just have been sleeping most of my life away and when I do get on msn you aren't on there. My thyroid is acting up again so I get so tired. I agree with Nic tackle one thing at a time and it won't overwhelm you. I don't know anything else to say to you that I haven't already said before except I care and you know how great I think you are.

:hugs: and love,

Laura :flowers:

13-04-07, 10:56
Hi Scooby

Sorry to hear your having such a bad time at the moment.
Your not alone and things will get better. Don't be to hard on yourself.
Take care:hugs:
