View Full Version : Increasing 20mg to 30mg, opinions needed please

02-11-16, 18:08
Hi Everyone,

So I had an appt today with my gp as I have been taking citalopram for just over two weeks now. One week on 10mg and 9 days on 20mg. She has said that the next step is to go to 40mg and how do I feel about that. I told her that last time I was on them I went to 30mg and that ended up being right for me. She said to try 30mg again then and that the sooner I step it up the quicker I am gonna get the benefits which of course I get but as I have only been on 20 for 9 days and still going through the effects of that I don't know what to do for the best.
Do I up the dose and get all side effects over all in a row or do I wait a while to settle on 20 then go up?. I obviously want to feel better asap but I have kids to get to school etc in mornings and the morning anxiety is already quite bad as it is. Any suggestions or experience with dosage increase please. I would be very grateful in hearing them x

02-11-16, 20:05
Hi there
Feel for you. I was on 10mg for 2 weeks then 20mg. Dose increase had no real side effects but I did have 2 weeks of bad side effects on 10mg. My cit did not work really until week 12. Stay on the same dose and give it time.

03-11-16, 09:38
Thanks andy, it's such a tough decision as i don't want to prolong the start up if I will need to get on 30mg but I don't want to push my body increasing so soon again.

15-11-16, 18:43
I went up to 40mg and found the hardest part 10 to 20mg...but once I got to 40 I was better in no time. 30 didn't quite cut it for me but I went down to 10mg and stayed on it for 3 years once I was perfect, but my doctor took me completely off.

16-11-16, 18:16
Thanks karen, I do think I am gonna have to go up to 30mg as I feel like I will need it. I am still thinking it over though properly but I have my other half off work in a couple of weeks so it will help to have him home when I increase in case i get the increased anxiety back x