View Full Version : Started the meds - Ahh!

02-11-16, 18:40
So today I had an appointment with my doctor and she has put me on Sertraline (50mg) and Propranolol (80mg), she has also referred me to the mental health team and listed it as urgent.

I had been prescribed the same medication last year but as some on here will know I didn't take it - I have this time taken it. About 5 minutes ago I plucked up the "courage" and swallowed both tablets.

I am really scared but I hope they will help and not kill me.

I just wanted to ask though if you think it would be alright to take a magnesium supplement tablet as well?

I started magnesium the other week (I haven't noticed any positive effects yet but I wanted to give them a chance), I should have asked the doctor but I forgot.

02-11-16, 19:29
Hi , it's daft how the docs always go meds first then mental health should be the other way round , can't see the magnesium being a problem but you can google the interaction of your meds it will say if you should mix them with others , hope they help but it does take time don't expect miracles over night and you might feel worse for a bit for be ready for that and take it as normal , take care .

02-11-16, 19:36
Just wanted to say good on you and I hope that you feel better soon. I know the Propranalol works very quickly and can alleviate many anxiety symptoms in an hour or two. It will also help you while you adjust to the Sertraline. I can't comment on interactions with Magnesium supplements but it is worth checking with google just to be sure. I say this because I am on citalopram and I started taking kalms herbal for sleep which ontain Valerian extract. I didnt feel right the next day and when I checked I found that they shouldnt be taken with citalopram.

Best of luck to you and well done for taking the first steps!

02-11-16, 23:09
Thanks Buster and SurfingWaves for the helpful advice.

I have a horrible relationship with Google, we don't mesh well, so I'm trying to avoid relying on it but I've had someone else check it out and seemingly there's no issue taking magnesium with Sertraline and propranolol.

Oh I'm definitely not expecting miracles but I am hoping I will get some mind-rest and peace eventually by starting on the medication, I'm willing to try anything, things have become out of control.

Thanks again for the advice, much appreciated.