View Full Version : Hellooooo everyboooody!

02-11-16, 19:30
Well, here goes.
I suffer with anxiety, mainly social, and i am a bit of a duck out of water.....

I moved to the Uk in 2009 on a perminant basis which culminated with a huge
Upheaval to my normality.

I now find myself lost.
It seems really stupid to say aloud, but i feel so out of place around others that I hide in my room most of the day.

I am currently in treatment to break out of my self imposed prison and putting myself out there for others to talk too is my newest big step.
(Having a social life as the "normals" keep telling me) :)

I dont know exactly what all to say... Guess I should have taken a peak at what others write.

Im pretty easy going. I have a strange sense of humour and i am quite childish in many aspects. I enjoy brainiac discussons and talks about nothing impaticular.

I have no children and no family to speak of... its just me.

I dont hold any religious views or beliefs and i dont ask for any.
I currently write books but i also actively want to seek work.

You will find that i can be a rather large personality when the mood strikes me, it can put people off but its usually the boring people whom have an issue with my presence. ;)

I want to find friends... however i value quality over quantity, so im only accepting good people... hehe lol
Dont you wish it was that easy? Ask and receive.... if only!

So i guess thats it for now. Feel free to message me.

I live in Eastham on the Wirral.

Thanks for reading x

02-11-16, 19:36
Hiya Echojade and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

03-11-16, 09:21
Hi there,

I'm also new and UK based. Good to see you here :)

03-11-16, 11:35
Thanks for the Welcome....

Now why isnt it this easy in the real world? :yesyes: