View Full Version : Scared that i have a brain tumor :(

02-11-16, 21:15

So i recently decided to google my symptoms and that got me scared. I've been having headaches very often for nearly a month. They feel migraine like, usually worse on one side, sometimes left sometimes right. If i take painkillers it does really help and also if i lay in a dark room. But i have nausea every now and then too, and just don't feel well. But the worst thing is, i've been having this weak feeling in my left arm sometimes!! How can that even be stress related....i googled it and it comes up with scary things when you combine it with headache..

I did see a doctor last week and he didn't seem to concerned, however i felt like maybe i didn't explain it well.

My headache does seem to get worse during the day, and i don't really wake up with a headache. Also there seem to be a few things that trigger it or make it worse, which is my only hope that it's maybe not something serious..

I'm really concerned this is a sign of something serious

02-11-16, 21:56
Weak feelings are very common in anxiety, as is everything else you mention. Anxiety plays havoc with your metabolism and your nervous system, and the constant adrenaline can also lead to tingling.

Brain tumours, on the other hand, are pretty rare. Are you having crushing headaches? Are you having seizures? Are you losing balance?

It's very unlikely you have a brain tumour?

02-11-16, 22:01
google needs to have a sentence above the search bar saying "do not search for symptoms unless you want to scare yourself"

or health filter like they do for porn.

I am(was) a gambling man and i'd give you 100000-1 that you have a brain tumor.

I've had those symptoms you mention off and on btw.

02-11-16, 22:06
I don't have crushing headaches, seizures or loss of balance at all luckily

Just headaches often like almost every night, and during the day too sometimes.. and not feeling well, with other symptoms

I hope it's just stress like you said..

Gary A
02-11-16, 22:07
The thing to remember about brain tumours is that they create symptoms like weakness etc by pressing on a particular region of the brain. They will create constant symptoms that get progressively worse.

You mention that your arm is weak "sometimes". That is quite categorically not a symptom of a brain tumour.

02-11-16, 22:09
Yes, google is the worst.. I shouldn't have googled it just makes it worse

---------- Post added at 23:09 ---------- Previous post was at 23:08 ----------

Thanks, that reassured me a bit

All my symptoms do come and go, including the headaches and arm weakness..

Still very weird symptom tho arm weakness, i don't understand why i would even have that

02-11-16, 22:11
I've had migraine like headaches almost every day for months! I suffer from migraines a lot anyway, but every day is much even for me. So naturally I was worried. But since it's been months now, I doubt there's anything sinister going on.
I've put it down to neuralgia, or TMJ. TMJ seems the most likely, and might be for you.
Ever since I started dealing with anxiety, I tense up my jaw immensely without even noticing it. And worse is I do it during my sleep which is impossible to stop. And that can cause migraines, or migraine like headaches. The reason I know they're not always migraines, is because I don't get the other physical symptoms of migraines and sometimes by rubbing Vicks on my head and using a hot water bottle in my neck, it goes away.

Try a few of those things. Try applying a hot water bottle or something similar to your neck a few times a day, and maybe even rubbing some vicks on the areas where it hurts. It could just be a tension thing coming from either your neck or TMJ. I'm going to try sleeping with a mouthguard and seeing if that helps. Fingers crossed for both of us!

03-11-16, 09:32
Sparkling i will try those things.. hope the headaches get less frequent for you too

Still having headaches but today i noticed im really tense, my neck too. Im just still freaked out over the weak feeling i have in my left arm sometimes, and that with the headache and occasional nausea. I think if i just had headaches and no other symptoms i would be less anxious about it:scared15:

03-11-16, 15:35
The numb feeling in your arm are most likely one of two things:
- imagination: you'd be surprised how numb something can feel when you focus on it
- tight neck: this would explain everything you are experiencing. Having a tight neck can press on certain nerves. These cause you to experience headaches, face pain and sometimes numbness in the arms. Hence: getting your neck relaxed will be the solution, although sometimes it takes a physio to do that

---------- Post added at 15:35 ---------- Previous post was at 15:33 ----------

Have a look at this: http://thewellnessdigest.com/trapezius-muscle-stiff-neck-headache-eye-jaw-pain/

For me that explains all my symptoms and then some, and I've been working the past few days on getting my trapezius muscle less tense. It controls so much in your body!

03-11-16, 16:21
Thanks Sparkling, i looked at the link you send and those are all the symptoms indeed!

Today i had a really bad headache, then i took a very hot shower, and when i got out the shower my headache was almost gone.. Can that be a clue that its not a headache from something more serious? Maybe stiff muscles then..i hope

03-11-16, 16:55
I read somewhere that 75% of all headaches are caused my muscle tension

but then 80% of statistics are made up on the spot

03-11-16, 17:25
Thanks Sparkling, i looked at the link you send and those are all the symptoms indeed!

Today i had a really bad headache, then i took a very hot shower, and when i got out the shower my headache was almost gone.. Can that be a clue that its not a headache from something more serious? Maybe stiff muscles then..i hope

Definitely! It's the hot water relaxing your muscles and taking the pain away

04-11-16, 10:04
I hope so! The headache did come back and its getting really annoying now having a headache so often.

I should've never looked on google!

Going to make an app with the doc again just to be sure i think..

But i see a lot of posts here on health anxiety about BT worries so maybe for me its just anxiety too

04-11-16, 13:44
Have you had an eye exam recently.

04-11-16, 15:54
Ive had headaches for months too and saw this ,whats your view?


04-11-16, 18:24
I havn't had an eye exam, why?

Is something with eyes a common cause for headaches? my headaches seem to get worse when im looking on my laptop

I guess there are so many causes for headaches, it's not smart of us to focus on worst case scenario, but that's health anxiety

Everytime i feel my headache i wonder if something is wrong in my brain

---------- Post added at 19:24 ---------- Previous post was at 19:09 ----------

Having a headache and nausea now, this sucks:weep:

19-11-16, 20:12
So little update..

Still having headaches, mostly every day. Some days i don't have a headache but most of the time it comes on during the day and it's the worst at night.

I still feel like relaxing/turning my lights off/closing my eyes/taking a warm shower/taking painkillers, helps.
Going on my laptop makes it worse.. busy situations do too. The weakness in my arm has gone.

Still worried about something being very wrong as the headaches are frequent, they're painful too like migraines, sometimes it hurts on the right side, sometimes the left.

What should i do?? :( please..

19-11-16, 20:20
As someone who recently thought she had a brain tumour, my doc tested me for balance, as I was losing balance constantly, he ruled out brain tumour immediately and I am down for ENT for benign vertigo which is apparently debris in the middle ear. Please calm down on this one as I am sure its not a brain tumour, but I know how scary the thought can be xxxxxx

24-11-16, 19:24
Hmm, if my headaches go away after taking painkillers and get less intense after shower, can i be pretty much sure it's not headache from a brain tumor??
