View Full Version : Closed eye hallucinations?

03-11-16, 05:44
I'm surprisingly calm....

I started Sertraline and propranolol earlier,(I took them at around 7.30pm), I then had a great evening of actually feeling relaxed to some extent, some intrusive thoughts but for whatever reason I was to my shock able to accept them as thoughts and concentrated on something else, I did not panic for the first time ever.

However, I have been trying to sleep since around 1am but it isn't happening because when I close my eyes I am seeing an array of objects ranging from angels, dragons, hearts, Christmas trees, faces etc.... All very vibrant colours and although bizarre, I don't feel scared of the images but when I open my eyes again everything is normal.

I've never experienced anything like this, is it the medication or should I be worried??

04-11-16, 00:16
Does anyone have any experience of this please?

04-11-16, 06:13
Well, no, not really. I can't say I have. But I suppose it is on the same not that you might imagine monsters if you're out in the woods at dusk and see an oddly shaped tree stump and for a second imagine it's a troll. Anyway, the brain looks for patterns (we are all more or less programmed this way, to look for patterns). Could it be your medication that is causing this? People eat peculiar drugs to achieve odd sensations, and maybe your medication works in the same way on you?

09-11-16, 16:02
I get these aswell as random mind chatter going on aswell I think it's very common especially with an over anxious mind, sleep deprived etc

09-11-16, 16:09
I've heard that they are a common occurrence when people are put in those sensory deprivation tanks.

I really wouldn't be too worried, but can always seek advice from a professional just to be sure.

12-11-16, 18:56
Hi just wanted to chime in. I get this all the time. My anxiety is heightened at the moment and I'm noticing it every time I fall asleep. However I'm pretty sure I've always had it.

When I've looked it up I see it is very normal and a normal part of the transition. Over to sleep. I just think not a lot of people notice it. I said to my sister the other day and she said she hadn't had it. Then a couple of days later she said it happened to her and she couldn't believe it. It was random mind chatter as she was falling asleep.

It's normal just that with anxiety we are hyper aware.