View Full Version : Should Pain

03-04-07, 01:28
I am in some need of reassurance please!!!!!!!!!!

This afternoon I all of a sudden got so sick to my stomach i thought I would vomit. I got myself so scared and of course that bought on a panic attack. And right now I am having terrible shoulder pain. I have never had this before. It's like between my shoulder blades. My hubby said I get sore becasue I get so tense when I get scared when I have a PA. :unsure: :unsure:

03-04-07, 10:19
this is a difficult one to answer without seeing you but if the pain is severe it sounds like it could be gastric related, it sounds like it could be something as simple as a ball of wind, especially when you said that you felt sick, wind can be so painful sometimes,or a touch of reflux, it could be a number of non serious things However if the pain is of an intense nature and continous over a length of time you should see a doctor for a proper diagnosis and some thing to relieve the symptoms, please post and tell us how you are.