View Full Version : Nervous breakdown

03-11-16, 06:34
Hey im Austin sufferd anxiety all my life but never had a break down before ive had a hard year with stress and health anx. But in the past week been to hospital due to severe panic attacks and insomnia. They said its just anx bp a little high then goes normal. I fell a bit more in reality now sleeping better but my mouth is dry and dont have much appitite. Is this going to be forever i still fell butterflies in my stomach.

03-11-16, 08:48
Hi Austin, it sounds like an all too familiar story. Stress leading to panic, and anxiety.

Keep getting plenty of sleep whenever you can. Drink plenty of fluids if you are not already. (Dry mouth!?)

dont have much appitite

butterflies in my stomach

I'd be willing to bet that a good amount of the butterflies sensations are just hunger. I've done that loads.

You don't need an appetite to eat, sometimes you just have to pack away some food to get energy.

Energy/sleep/hydration is a great way to take the edge off anxiety.

03-11-16, 09:50
Im sleeping to much now slept all day and still tired im scared. And having a panic attack right now

03-11-16, 10:00
Have the drs gave you any medication?

03-11-16, 10:14
What are you panicking about?

Bike Rider
03-11-16, 11:35
As SLA has said, very easy to think that hunger pangs are the start of an anxiety attack.

Took a little time to distinguish the difference.

The stomach churning is adrenalin, my GP gave me a beta blocker to take to eliminate that, but they take time I am afraid, 1.5 hrs to start working.

03-11-16, 12:23
Ive been on mirtazipine for 2 months. In september i got sick and my anx has been sky rocketing since so i started mirtazipine in september and have been on since i tried coming off it a week ago and it may or may not have something to do with my episode im back on them now and fell pretty much the same. I had something to eat. Im either a insomniac or sleeping to much prior to this i was worrying about my body. But this breakdown ive been crying my blood preassure high its almost a psychotic episode mixed with panic.