View Full Version : Hypothyroidism.

03-11-16, 12:31
I've only had this 3 years. Does anyone else on here have it? So far I haven't spoken to many males with it, mainly females.

03-11-16, 19:38
It's mostly us females that get it, I guess. (I had borreliosis/Lyme which can mimic thyroid symptoms).

Anyway you might want to check out this book: "Living Well with Hypothyroidism: What Your Doctor Doesn't Tell You... That You Need to Know"

Catherine S
03-11-16, 22:19
I was diagnosed with an underactive thyroid in 2011 at age 58 after many years of symptoms, which must have been below the base line for the T3/T4 tests until then. I was post menopause by then so it started to show up, and apparently it's a common diagnosis in women yes, some connection to hormonal imbalances I was told.

I was started on 50 mg levothyroxine which I still take today, and because my yearly blood test comes back negative the doctors never suggest upping the dose even though the symptoms remain, albeit not as severe as before diagnosis. Weight gain being the worst, and impossibly slow to lose.

Randomforeigner. ..thanks for the link to the books, will try to find them on the UK website.


03-11-16, 23:00
I have had this since last November so a whole year of not feeling great. My levels are normal now I'm told so just keep taking the tablets.

05-11-16, 14:25
I'm a male with it, 29 years old. It's a bit troublesome just on account of, alot of the physical symptoms of anxiety/depression are also symptoms of the thyroid condition so they won't treat my anxiety until they know it isn't related to that. How are you symptom wise? For me It's chronic tiredness and aching muscles, especially in my back. I'm also told that my constant headfuzz/dizziness can be a symptom of hypothyroid. I've just been upped to 100mg of Thyroxine. Some improvement but minimal really.

05-11-16, 20:04
I know anxiety and depression is a symptom of underactive thyroid. I read a few forums and they all say the same. I never had it before I had thyroid trouble but Drs don't get the connection. I'm on Prozac for last 7 months. They help a little but I still suffer. I get very tired but I think that's more to do with my mind than the thyroid. I am on 75 of thyroxine. The NHS have guidelines that Drs go by for tsh. When you reach their levels you are supposed to be well......

19-11-16, 23:34
I was diagnosed with under active thyroid in my 40's, my Grandmother had it, my sister, my daughter and my son, we all have it. My son was diagnosed aged 11 years. My daughter says the English thyroid testing is severely lacking and not like the States, but I am not sure if this is correct or not. Mine has one up and down over the last 30 years

20-11-16, 17:02

I just had my blood tests result after being admitted into A&E with breathlessness and chest pain. The only thing the doctor attending me there was concerned about and that I should raise with my GP was a possible underactive thyroid TSH (4.9), lower than normal phosphate and high cholesterol (6.1). I was wondering whether the breathlessness and high cholesterol could be associated with the TSH. I am vegetarian, I don't smoke and do not drink so I am surprised by such high cholesterol. I have also been experiencing dry mouth and muscle cramps and aches in my feet. I have had chest x-rays and a thorough investigation of my chest as I thought initially there was a possibility of lung cancer, but my GP definitely has said I do not have this. I have a spirometery tomorrow to rule out COPD, but should I raise the TSH score with my GP?

Thank you