View Full Version : Can some one put my mind to rest

03-11-16, 12:33
Sorry to post again and I've probly asked this before but can anxiety turn in into a more seriouse mental illness as I keep thinking I'm going crazy losing my mind and thinking wat if because my anxiety is so bad at the moment and not coping very well that it's turning into more seriouse mental illness and it's woofing me sick because I don't know if it can or not and maybe some one on here can put my mind to rest .

03-11-16, 13:52
I remember in the first year that I had anxiety I also felt like I was going mad. But I didn't and you won't either. For me that was over 20 years ago and during those years I brought up two children and ran a business. I too feared that it would get worse, but it didn't. In fact it got a lot easier. What I found helped me was gaining knowledge about my disorder. Knowledge means control. When you have control you don't have that fear anymore.

03-11-16, 14:25
Hi becky thk can you recommend anything I can read to get the knowledge as I've looked up on line and I only get basic info about anxiety so if I had that knowledge I'd probly deal with it better

03-11-16, 14:47
There are some very good articles on this forum about anxiety, panic, phobias etc. also just chatting to fellow sufferers on here you will gain from their experiences.

There's actually loads of info on the internet but it takes a while to wade through every thing to find what you're looking for. Why not just google "anxiety, causes and symptoms"
You'll come up,with some interesting articles.

Other things that have helped me: seeing a psychologist, attending group therapy, doing a CBT course (I was fortunate to find a university doing an online CBT trial that I signed up for and got a free course.)

What I've found very helpful is talking to fellow sufferers. It's good to know that others have similar symptoms and you're not alone. Also sharing ways of dealing with symptoms.

Once you know other people are going through the same thing you don't worry so much that you're going mad. You listen to their experiences and realize they survived which is really encouraging when you're going through a bad patch.

---------- Post added at 14:47 ---------- Previous post was at 14:46 ----------

And please feel free to pm me anytime you need some encouragement or just a chat

03-11-16, 14:48
Shirt answer is:no,it cannot. Although many of the symptoms of anxiety may appear to be more serious,it can't drive you insane or cause you physical damage.

03-11-16, 17:17
as everyone is saying ..no it cant I know what you are going through are you taking citalopram or something . the doctor told me your body wont do anything to harm you. although you wouldn't believe it..chin up

07-11-16, 12:19
Hi thk you all for replying I just question my sanity because every morning as soon as I wake up within a minute or so my mind starts racing from one thing to a other and half of time most of it don't make sence I even get bizarre images too and I try to tell myself that it's just mind chatter but them I just start to worrie that I'm I'm loosing my mind or going crazy As it happens every morning and I don't know wats causes it and no one else has this happen to them, I'm hoping se one on here could explain why this happens,sorry for posting a lot just lately,

07-11-16, 13:51
HI Tricia. This morning thing is so common amongst anxiety and depression sufferers. Apparently our stress hormone levels are at their highest first thing in the morning. Do you find you feel better towards evening?
I've been known to go out walking at sunrise to work off the adrenaline.
Best not to lie in bed, do something to keep active even housework is good.