View Full Version : Rationalizing cancer fear (for real this time!)

03-11-16, 21:37
For the last 9-10 months I have been terrified that i may have colorectal cancer. I had numerous symptoms that concerned me, but didn't faze my doctors in the least. I'm going to force myself to look at this in the most rational way possible, and that means doing away with the "yeah but what if?" tactic I've become so good at. So here goes. ...

Age: 26 (pretty young for most cancers)
Anxiety? Big time
Strange bowel habits? Yes, but these can be exacerbated by high anxiety, which I have in abundance.
Random abdominal pains? Yes, usually mid-lower left mild in intensity-likely due to anxiety, ibs or a variation of the two.
Swollen lymph node in groin? Yes, however this is probably due to the excessive poking and prodding I have been doing in the area, and likely not from cancer. Side note: colorectal metastases in the inguinal lymph nodes are extremely rare and so is colorectal cancer in someone my age :)

I'm not seeking feedback or reassurance. I just needed an outlet to vent :)

03-11-16, 21:59
Good stuff :)

And don't forget to add... Doctors don't hang around if they even suspect a slim chance of it. :)