View Full Version : First Job

04-11-16, 02:11
Hi everyone,

So I've just been recently diagnosed with anxiety/panic disorder/agoraphobia. I've been seeing a therapist/taking meds etc since about June. I'm a lot better than I was, but I'm still not 100% and i get anxiety leaving the house still.
I decided a month ago, I wanted to start my career. I just graduated college in May and I needed to have a purpose again.

However, after being decline from many jobs this summer I didn't think I would actually get employed and to my dismay, I'm starting my new job on Monday. I'm very excited, but also this past week I've had CRAZY amounts of panic/anixety/not feeling real. 14 days ago I did up my dose of medication so it could be that??

I was wondering if anyone had tips on how to get through my first work day. I need all the help/support I can get!

Thank you :)

04-11-16, 15:53
Hi everyone,

So I've just been recently diagnosed with anxiety/panic disorder/agoraphobia. I've been seeing a therapist/taking meds etc since about June. I'm a lot better than I was, but I'm still not 100% and i get anxiety leaving the house still.
I decided a month ago, I wanted to start my career. I just graduated college in May and I needed to have a purpose again.

However, after being decline from many jobs this summer I didn't think I would actually get employed and to my dismay, I'm starting my new job on Monday. I'm very excited, but also this past week I've had CRAZY amounts of panic/anixety/not feeling real. 14 days ago I did up my dose of medication so it could be that??

I was wondering if anyone had tips on how to get through my first work day. I need all the help/support I can get!

Thank you :)

Hi :D

Firstly well done on getting your job. It's completely normal to have anxiety and panic when you start a new job as it's something new. People who suffer from anxiety may feel the normal panic and anxiety a heck of a lot worse than those who don't suffer from anxiety. When I first upped my medication dosage for my anxiety a few weeks ago I sort of felt the same so it could be the medication. Try to keep busy in the days in the run up to starting working and try not to think to much about work as this can help distract you from your thoughts. Get a good nights sleep the night before and take everything one task at a time on your first day. If you feeling nervous deep breathing always helps me, there are many breathing techniques which you can learn to help you. Don't be afraid to ask questions or make mistakes and take everything slowly. Maybe also take a pen and a note pad to write some notes down if you are a bit concerned about remembering everything. If throughout the day you're feeling overwhelmed or panicky go to the toilets for a five minute chill out or ask if you can take a break.

You will be fine and all the best in your new job. :)

04-11-16, 16:46
Thank you for the words of encouragement!

Maybe my problem is that I'm not busy during the day now and that makes me overthink everything. I feel very dizzy all the time, and like nothing is real.... wondering if it's just the medication! Hopefully it settles down in the next week or two. It's getting very frustrating.

04-11-16, 20:27
dont worry about the job, im sure people there will be really friendly and make you feel at ease. before you know it you will be one of the team and enjoy going there!
Best of luck to you

05-11-16, 03:17
I really hope you're right..... I'm just so nervous about having anxiety/panic. I hope getting on a routine of having something to do everyday helps and doesn't cause me too much stress. I just want to be better.

05-11-16, 04:22
My tips would be (1) Don't be afraid to be a klutz and ask for help - no-one expects you to be super-perfect on the first day, and (2) look for people who seem to be reaching out to you to make friends - they will help you if times get tough.

06-11-16, 02:55
Thank you for the advice!!! I just don't know what to do if I start panicking.... I just am really nervous about that aspect. My panic attacks have become pretty manageable but once I have one, I really escape it by going to my house/lay in my bed etc. which isn't an option at work.....

I really want my life to spring back to "normality" again, and I fear it won't happen.

06-11-16, 15:00
Congratulations and the job could give you such a distraction that your anxiety in other areas lessen because your mind will have something to focus on. I recently started a new job last week. It was a welcome distraction although my worries now are so great that the job anxiety is low because of my other worriesbut veing there does help. Good luck :-)