View Full Version : Travel vaccines side effects - anxious

04-11-16, 08:45
Hi everyone,

I'm new and don't ever normally post on forums but reading other threads has been reassuring so I thought posting my own story might help as well.

I'm going to South America next week for what is supposed to be an incredible trip. But two weeks ago, I had travel vaccines - DTP booster, hepatitis A/typhoid, and yellow fever - and for most of the time since then, I've not been myself.

I've been having various odd sensations in my arms and legs. Sometimes they're achey, sometimes they're tingling/pins-and-needles, sometimes they feel heavy/weak. Most of the time they just feel uncomfortable and like I'm "conscious" of them not feeling right. The location changes daily; at first my legs hurt, then they felt better, and one day it's my right arm then the next it's my left. And I can't seem to get rid of these feelings - just when I think I finally feel back to normal, the feeling resurfaces somewhere again.

I've spoken to the pharmacist and my doctor, and they both say I'll be fine - muscle ache after these vaccines is fairly common and it should pass after a couple of weeks. But this doesn't feel like simple muscle ache and it's already been just over two weeks...

I am a worrier by nature and have suffered from health anxiety in the past, although not for a while. I was anxious about getting the vaccines in the first place, as well as organising the trip and getting through a busy period at work, so I'm trying to comfort myself that this could all be down to anxiety. But I just can't shake the seed of doubt that it's something more this time. I have already googled the potential rare side effects of these vaccines and I am now well versed in the symptoms of Guillain-Barré Syndrome and other neurological conditions - big mistake, I know.

So I guess I'd like to know what someone else out there thinks. Has anyone else experienced similar side effects from vaccines? Have you had similar symptoms caused or worsened by anxiety? Do you think this really could all be coming from my anxious mind or should I be on my way to hospital? And if it really is anxiety, how do I manage it?

I'm supposed to be looking forward to this trip more than anything. But all I can think about is ending up in a South American hospital unable to move my arms and legs and I am terrified. I wish I hadn't got the vaccines and I wish I wasn't going anymore. :weep: Any reassurance from anyone would be hugely appreciated.

Thank you and hope you all feel good today.

07-11-16, 13:47
Hi again everyone,

I just wanted to post an update in case anyone is reading this and possibly going through something similar at some stage.

It's been almost three weeks since I was vaccinated and about two weeks since I first started experiencing my symptoms. Since the start they've come and gone to an extent, and over the weekend I felt like I was maybe, finally, getting better. But today my left arm aches again, and I can feel myself in danger of slipping into another anxiety spiral. I'm trying to put it down to the fact that I was carrying some heavy things yesterday but, of course, that fear of something worse is still there.

I have another appointment with my doctor on Wednesday morning. Part of me wonders whether there's any point in going because it's the day before I leave home for two and a half weeks. But the other part of me feels I have to go for more reassurance. I don't know whether I'm more worried about not being able to go on the trip anymore and losing a lot of money, or going on the trip and feeling worse while I'm there, so far away from home.

I really hate living in fear like this almost every day. I feel like this is taking up so much of my thoughts and no matter how many times friends and family say they think I have nothing to worry about, I just can't seem to believe them.

I'll update again later this week when I've seen the doctor and heard what she has to say. I'm not sure if anyone is reading this or can relate but either way I think the forum is great - it helps to just write down what I'm feeling and read other people's stories.
