View Full Version : Constantly worried

03-04-07, 10:54
I'm new to this site and I hope someone can help me.
I had a habit for a few years of biting the inside of my cheek when I am anxious or worried about something. I just found out that this can lead to mouth cancer and now I am tying myself in knots about it. I've stopped it now, but am worried I could have done real damage to myself. I hate the way I think that everything is so much more serious than it actually is, but it's come as such a shock to me that I am hoping that someone can help reassure me even just a bit.

If I try and look up about these diseases it makes it worse because I find more information out that just worries me! My partner jokes about it but I really want to stop being like this. Can anyone help? I've only been this way for the last few years, I used to be really positive about things lol!
Hope you can help... :(

03-04-07, 12:14
welcome to the site, you will get loads of advice here and the first will be, never ever ever google !!!! i bet licking a spoon if you looked into it could lead to some sort of poisoning which could lead to cancer,its all a load of twaddle. Please dont think i am knocking you or your feelings because im not i know exactly how you feel and how difficult it is to keep things in perspective. Its that dam google and the internet that gets my blood pressure up (which im sure if you looked into that would lead to cancer). Please try to avoid looking up symptoms it will never relieve your anxiety as you will never be happy with the first post which says its something simple, you will always keep trailing till you find that one which cinfirms your suspicions and you will always find it. Nothing can ever take the place of a good honest face to face medical consultation with someone who knows your medical history. Please take time to read through this website and familiarise yourself with all of us fellow sufferers. We really just use each other on here to try and keep us from wandering off the google free path, no matter how bad you are feeling or which ever symptom you are having there will be someone on here who will be able to relate to you.
I hope you will find some sort of comfort on here,i tend to come on and rant a bit,people know me well enough now to know i dont mean any harm, but as far as your chewing cheek goes, i would cease to worry about that one right away and tell yourself its a load of old nonsense,ive got my tongue ina bit of a mess in the past with constantly clamping down on it with my teeth and i have chewed my cheek and my dentist and dental hygienist told me its nothing to worry about. Hope this helps and i havnt put you off.

03-04-07, 15:34

Welcome. I'm pretty new here as well and this site is really good, never relised there were so many people out there suffering from symptoms like mine. I always seem to have some problem with my mouth, often feels rough inside and I often bite my cheek in the same place as it always semms to be slightly swollen (probably because iv'e bitten it already ). Iv'e got to say I have never heard of it causing cancer. By looking at google I have had cancer, HIV, AIDS, brain tumor, heart attack, stroke you name it I have had it. Using the internet is the worse thing you can do when trying to find out what is wrong with you as you will search until you find out the terrible news that you are looking for. I still do it from time to time even though I know I shouldn't but I am getting better. I'm sure you will be fine just stop Googling.

Good Luck