View Full Version : visit to dr over acid reflux didn't go well

04-11-16, 17:14
I've been on omeprazole 2 x 20mg for a couple of years now. I've had the endoscopy and that came back as minor damage and to carry on with medication for 3 months. I did that and all seemed to be ok,then a couple of months after that the acid returned and my dr put me back on omeprazole. I've just come back from my appointment as I'm still having symptoms such as a sore throat/fuzzy nose. He said I couldn't be as 40mg will stop the acid dead and maybe it is my body feeling a sensation!!! Ii should also be able to eat a pretty varied diet on these but can get reflux from just drinking water sometimes.
I got the impression he seemed to think it was in my head and I was making these symptoms up. He has now put me on some more tablets that will help my gullet push the food down..(I can't remember what they are called) along with the omeprazole and to take these for one month and then come back. After that he said he will have to refer me to a gasto dr. So I'm obviously worried about this and the fact that he said I shouldn't have any symptoms but I still am...has anyone had any similar problems? I'm a pretty stressy person and have had a pretty awful year for various reasons so I was wondering if this was contributing to these problems. Any advice???

04-11-16, 17:35
I'm sorry you are having gastro troubles, I can relate. Do as your doc says and take the meds. But maybe in the meantime try some mindfulness and relaxation techniques?

I know when I have stress and anxiety my gut is the first thing to act up, and then it actually creates more anxiety which then creates a really vicious cycle of anxiety and gastro issues. And the anxiety also makes me feel my gut sensations even more - from entry to exit *ahem*.

Also, really pay attention to your reflux triggers. You mention water - I get the same thing if I drink a lot of water on an empty stomach. I also have to eat smaller meals more frequently and watch how much I'm nervously swallowing (which creates gas, which contributes to reflux, which creates more freaky sensations that up my anxiety).

Basically, your gut has so many nerve endings it's almost like having a second brain. So I've found relaxation is key. So anything you can do to try and de-stress will help. Meditation, yoga, baths, naps. And it does take some time, so be kind to yourself.