View Full Version : Sensation in throat that makes it feel like you may not be able to breathe properly?

04-11-16, 19:58
I keep getting this symptom lately where I feel breathless and then I am aware of this feeling in my throat, almost like a lump or something and it makes me feel like there's an obstruction there. I don't notice it most of the rest of the time, unless I think of it!

Sam Winter
05-11-16, 00:22
Do you have any form of reflux? Acid, silent reflux, ect.
I'm just helping figure out I uts reflux related or anxiety but I get what you mean because I get it all too often x

05-11-16, 15:42
This is exactly what I've been experiencing the last 2 weeks. It's really been scaring me.
Some days it's not been there and others it's been awful and I feel on the verge of having some sort of panic attack.
Mine started at the end of a horrible cold, so my theory is it's either postnasal drip or postnasal drip causing my stomach to think I'm consuming food so it's stimulating acid and causing silent reflux??
I saw this on a post from 2005 which sums up what I feel exactly:
cricopharyngeal spasm

information for patients with a lump in the throat sensation

this syndrome results from a spasm in the cricopharyngeus muscle. It is a self limiting disorder that will resolve on its own. The symptoms are so characteristic that as soon as a patient tells me they have a lump in the throat, I can usually describe all of their symptoms to them.

lump in the throat sensation
feels like a golf ball, tennis ball ... Is stuck in my throat
feels like my tie is too tight
feel like I am being strangled
my throat feels swollen
the symptoms can be mimicked by pushing on the cartilage in the neck just below the adams apple.
The lump comes and goes depending on the day.
Symptoms are usually best in the am and worse later in the day
stress aggravates the symptoms.
Saliva is difficult to swallow yet food is easy to swallow.
Eating, in fact, often makes the tightness go away for a time.
The symptoms are similar to getting choked up at a wedding or a funeral.

Physiology 101
there are two valves in the esophagus or swallowing tube. The are normally contracted and they relax when you swallow so that food can pass through them going to the stomach. They then squeeze closed again to prevent regurgitation of the stomach contents. If the normal contraction becomes a spasm, like a charlie horse of the calf muscle, these symptoms start. Stress often makes these spasms much worse. Many people have experienced neck tightness when stressed and this is similar. Even if not caused by stress, stress will make the spasm much worse.

I hope it goes soon for us all x

05-11-16, 19:40
That list of symptoms sounds exactly like mine too! Thanks for the replies. No I don't have any reflux, but having a really bad time with long term stress symptoms, and lately been getting panics and waking in the night with a start and various!
I also sometimes feel like I need to suddenly get a good breath when going off to sleep. No doubt all horrible anxiety problems.. just helps a little to know we are not alone in it!

16-11-16, 18:19
I have this. I was diagnosed with LPR (silent reflux) yesterday. But I am not convinced these are causing my symptoms. I think it's mostly my anxiety. But I hope I'm wrong. I started treatment for LPR last night and she said it'll take 8-12 weeks to begin to see a difference. I'll keep you updated and will answer any questions. It has affected my eating habits but some days are better than others. (Especially when I'm really hungry :))

16-11-16, 19:19
I'm suffering with this too. It feels like I'm being strangled and breathing in is difficult it feels like my trachea is narrow. It came on after a violent vomiting bug last week that hurt my throat and now this has been going on for a full week :(

17-11-16, 01:37
So this is just anxiety?