View Full Version : Headaches, headaches..

04-11-16, 22:15
For the past month i've been having headaches nearly everyday. Some days worse then others.. Anyone else here get a lot of headaches?

I don't wake up with a headache but they come on and get worse during the day, sometimes it feels like a migraine.. like where one side of your head hurts more and you're sensitive to light.

I have been having other symptoms too that scare me, like occasional nausea and sometimes a weak feeling in my left arm. I visited the doctor but he didn't think much of it, i feel like he didn't really listen!

The headaches get worse when i'm on my laptop or in busy situations.
When i lay down in a dark room with my eyes closed the headache gets less and also when i take a hot shower my headache gets less.

What could this mean?? Im so scared that its signs of a BT...:weep:

04-11-16, 22:58
Sounds like your headaches are directly related to tension. Especially if they are worse when you are on your laptop (which wreaks havoc on your neck/back/head muscles) and in busy (read: tense) situations - and then get better when you relax (laying down, showers). Tension headaches can resemble/turn into migraines too - including nausea.

I do get headaches very frequently (at least once a week, sometimes every day). But I'm not a doctor. If you don't feel like you are being heard by your doctor, seek a second opinion. But in the meantime perhaps try some preventative measures and see if those help resolve your headaches.

05-11-16, 16:17
I hope so. When i woke up today i noticed my neck was really sore.

I also had an eye exam today at a optician and my eyes are fine.

Still have a headache.. it's not too bad, just very annoying. I got scared today as i woke up with the same headache i went to sleep with, but after a shower the headache was a lot less again.

05-11-16, 18:05
Hi Panda I hd a headache every day for over two months ,worried and worried and googled stuff like this ,today Ive noticed Ive been headache free for a quite awhile ,why ,because Im not worrying about it so much .....anxiety plays havoc!

