View Full Version : It's been a week

04-11-16, 23:29
So finally I finished my cross taper onto escitalopram and I've been on 10mg for a week now and I'd say around the day 4 mark I felt a bit brighter and a slight edge off the anxiety. I'm pleased with that after 4 days. Not to mention there's been withdrawals off the old med.

I'm still feeling panic when I've ventured out at times which throws my confidence, I need to keep reminding myself it's early days. Before the escitalopram I wouldn't even consider venturing out so the fact I'm even attempting it is progress. My appetite and sleep have definitely improved also.

Fingers crossed the positives keep coming.

05-11-16, 07:47
Hi Debs,
I've been on Escitalopram since August this year and I also felt a change after 5 or so days after starting on it. However, please don't be alarmed if the progress isn't linear because the medication worked intermittently for me. Give it at least 6 weeks,and see how you feel then. I upped my dose to 15 mg a month ago and I've noticed my panic attacks are much shorter in duration now,and I bounce back from negative experiences much quickly.

05-11-16, 08:10
Debs you are doing so well. I wish I had the strength to push through the side effects and withdrawals like you do. Keep up the amazing work you are doing. You are on your way to becoming well again. You go girl!!!!

11-11-16, 12:26
Debs that is really good. Sadly this meds never took my anxiety away (I have GAD) but it wasn't as rough as the other SSRI's to start up. I only started on 5mg though and worked my way up to the max dose. I came off it in the end though as it just wasn't the one for me but it sounds like you are already having improvements, so good luck. It's supposed to be really good for anxiety in the majority of people.
I had dips and dives at first, my mood would go flat, or I'd be anxious but just normal SSRI start up stuff but side effects I could handle. It's just a shame it never helped me get well, but you know what they say, about how we are all different xxx

11-11-16, 18:18
I may be quite lucky regarding the start up effects as I haven't felt anything too bad apart from anxiety, maybe this is because I was on citalopram before. The dr wants me to stay on 10mg for 8 weeks as I've had a whirlwind of dosage changes and cross tapers. I'd love my anxiety and depression to vastly improve instantly but it doesn't happen like that. Even if there are little changes along the way I'll be encouraged.

Thanks Tracy, us troopers will get there at some point.

Karen I hope you found something to help your GAD, it's such trial and error with meds x

11-11-16, 19:53
I found going up to 20mg easy but as I said before, this meds just never cut it for me but Citalopram worked wonders and it was my doctors suggestion I try the newer version as he said it was better and faster acting. It sounds like you are doing really well Debs. I've had heightened anxiety and headaches with Amitriptyline but it's only day three and not been horrific yet, lol.

11-11-16, 20:33
Glad you are feeling better.

13-11-16, 18:59
Thanks ladies. Citalopram worked really well for me too so I'm hoping this will help also. I came off citalopram mainly because a doctor messed with my dosage then it didn't seem to touch my anxiety and depression. I do think it's helped my depression but I'm not where I want to be yet but it's only 2 weeks so fingers crossed it gets better. Did they try you back on citalopram Karen?