View Full Version : Having a really bad week!

03-04-07, 12:33
Hello everyone!!

Hope your all ok!

So far I am having a really bad week and feeling really down and shakey about it - nothing huge really, just things seem intent on stressing me out!!

It started on Sunday morning when the internet wouldn't work!! this stressed me out as i have 2 really big assignments that I need to do and of course, I need access to the internet for research! Anyway, got that sorted by going to buy a new router and then getting the network set up again. Then, i tried doing my work but because I am so stressed about it (for some reason, I can't do assignment work under pressure!!) I couldnt do it and instead got really panicy and started with a nasty headache. In the end I managed to get about 500 words done but still not as many as I needed to really!! Anyway, then I went on to have an argument with my bloke (who is also stressing me out becuase he isn't very well and the moment and I feel like I am just waiting for a phonecall to tell me something has happened) and haven't spoken to him since. then I had a really tough shift at work which really upset me, then I managed to fall out with my parents to!! Therefore, I went to bed really early, pretty much to stop myself arguing with people and because I felt so emotionally and physically drained!!

Today I got up, still with the banging headache, still absolutely knackered (even after another 12 hour sleep!) and then got stressed again because my internet wasn't working again and I have had o move all my stuff into another room (which my housemate has left to go home for easter) so that I can connect again to the internet!! And of course, I am now so het up again that I can't to my work!!!!

Luckily, my 2 housemates are both leaving to go home for a few weeks over the easter holidays so at least I can't fall out with them but at the same time, I dont want to be by myself either because I am so stressed and panicy!!!

Any advice on how to calm down and turn around my bad week before things get even worse? I really need to finish a 4000 word assignment this week, whilst also working nights and other shifts but I just find that even when i do have the time I am just to worked up to actually do anywork which makes me even more panicy and het up!!!

Sorry for the big long post and I hope it is at least readable!! Sorry if it isnt!!

Thanks for reading, could really do with a giant hug at the moment and someone to talk to that I am not going to fall out with (I never normally fall out with anyone!!!)

DShell x

03-04-07, 12:38
Here is a huge hug from me


Don't worry about unloading here. No-one will judge you and it's good that you can put it into words.


03-04-07, 13:04
HUGE HUGGIES:hugs: :hugs:

03-04-07, 14:49
Thank you - I really need them hugs!!

Also - any tips on how to get rid of this awful tiredness?? I used to suffer with ME so the tiredness also makes me really anxious about starting with the ME again!!

Thanks again,

DShell x

03-04-07, 23:59

I'm sorry that you have been finding things tough this week :hugs: I take it you are at college or uni? I know the feeling about the course work being too much! I'm not at college anymore, however, I remember it only too well.

I have weeks like that - when it just seems like it's one thing after another. It can be very exhausting. But this week is a different week, and will be better I'm sure! :hugs: You will feel like it couldn't get much worse at the moment, so the only way is up!

If you have loads of work to do, just make sure that you take loads of breaks. Go out for walks, that really helps. Do as much as possible that you enjoy - even try setting yourself some goals i.e. do one thing a day that you enjoy - it can even be something like watching a certain programme on tv?

I hope things start to calm down for you. Just think how good you will feel once all the work is done and handed in! :hugs:

Take care xxx