View Full Version : Could it be DVT -Help please.

05-11-16, 11:58
Woke with cramp in my calf a couple of nights ago. It was so painful - the problem is that 2 days later it still hurts to walk & have to limp slightly. It doesn't hurt while I am sitting or in bed. It doesn't look swollen or red or feel hot. I have tried doing some stretches. Is this normal & ok to leave to itself to get better ? Panicking slightly !

05-11-16, 16:52
Anyone at all ? Please.

05-11-16, 17:30
Probably wise to pay a visit to your doc for your own peace of mind. :)

05-11-16, 17:54
Thank you.

07-11-16, 21:35
I had a dvt in my left leg, the pain is excruciating, verysharp stabbing pain when I walked. But my leg wasn't particularly swollen or hot. They can do a simple blood test to check.

10-11-16, 17:38
Don't worry hun,again best to check but sure it'll be ok.i've got a chronic dvt in groin into my tummy. When it first happened the pain was unimaginable but it's always been worse whilst I'm resting and walking actually seems to help with the pain sometimes. Take care and big hugs xxx