View Full Version : Fear of panic attack

05-11-16, 16:53
Obviously we all fear panic attacks, but does anyone else sometimes feel a state of exteme tension for hours on end? Recently, I've been able to pretty much prevent a full-blown panic attack from occurring, but it can mean fighting it for a long time. At work today I felt off for at least 3 hours - I had a few of the classic symptoms - sweating, impending doom, racing thoughts - but it never really amounted to anything, despite being extremely uncomfortable. Perhaps this was because I was in a public place.

On the one hand, I suppose it's good news that it doesn't fully manifest, but it's horrible nonetheless: freezing hands and feet, can't communicate properly, my voice goes to a higher pitch and I can only really whisper.

05-11-16, 16:59
Panic disorder. When you have a few in the space of a few weeks you end up over thinking it and just waiting for it to come again.

Try think positive and crack on with the day, forget about them.

05-11-16, 21:37
Ive gone for 3 days with no sleep and extreme anxiety non stop the whole time. Anxiety so bad i couldnt stop walking for hours. Heart pounding fear for 3 days. So yeah it happens.

05-11-16, 22:31
yeah I get that too, I'm constantly looking for the panic attack to reach its peak. I can have all the physical symptoms racing heart, jelly legs sweating but at a level I think of as being bearable. So it lasts for hours, if it got to a "full" panic attack it would wear me out and die down, but because its bubbling underneath it lasts for hours.