View Full Version : Relapse - GAD and depersonalisation

05-11-16, 17:58
Hi all. I was diagnosed earlier this year and you guys on here were a fantastic help!!! Thank our all so much!! Anyway....I ended up taking myself off my Meds as I couldn't get in to see a GP and they wouldn't allow me my Meds on a repeat prescription. I have been feeling pretty good up until a few weeks ago....I have now started with a whole boatload of new symptoms and just wondered if anyone else can relate? My depersonalisation is back but not as bad as previously...and I am now having palpatations which seem to resonate throughout my whole body (feels like my whole body is jumping) and I am also getting a similar feeling in my gums....and when I walk, every time I put my foot to the floor it feels like my teeth are going to fall out!! Sorry for the long post...but I am again hopeful that you guys can relate and at least let me know I'm not imagining it! Xx