View Full Version : Loss of appetite

05-11-16, 19:09

I've just started Citalopram today but have been suffering with Anxiety for some time. The last few weeks have been hell due to my complete lack of appetite. I'm finding it particularly upsetting as I had an eating disorder when I was younger and feeling hungry now makes me feel very distressed.
My GP has reassured me that this is just a symptom of the Anxiety and not a return of the eating disorder which has alleviated some of the worry.

Has anyone got any tips on how I can manage this as I'm very petite and worried about losing any weight. also can anyone advise me on if the Citalopram will make it worse to start off with as loss of appetite is listed as a side effect.

Thanks in advance :flowers:

06-11-16, 00:41

From what I've read yes Citalopram can cause loss of appetite and I am sure the very idea must fill you with dread given your past history with an eating disorder but not all side effects present in every individual.

I can only suggest that you try to "force" yourself to stomach food even if it is only light options - Soup, toast, cereal, just small things throughout each day if you can't face proper meals. Try to make meal times enjoyable to take your mind off the appetite issue, if you're in company it might help you to engage with your food more.

You need to keep your strength up so please do try to eat, no matter the side effects.

Maybe you can try some light exercise too before eating, like a walk around the park in the hope of stimulating a desire to eat.

I don't really know what else to suggest but good luck, keep us posted.

06-11-16, 07:27
thankyou so much for your reply scaredlady. I think you're right that im just going to have to force the food in for the time being. For some reason sweet foods are the worst to eat at the moment. I'm off food shopping later to get lots of tempting food, I think stomach acid has made it worse so I'll get some good antacids aswell.
You've given me the motivation to keep on keeping on :hugs:

06-11-16, 14:31
Oh dear, my anxiety affects me like this too and like u I am very petite.I have been like this for 4weeks,my medicine was upped 3weeks ago and it is picking up now,once ure tablets start kicking in and they will the anxiety will lessen and u will pick up again. Its just a shame we have to go through hell before we get better. Just keep going u will get there. Even if u try and eat a cracker with butter,something small every couple of hours (and I do know even something like that is challenging) and lots of water it helps. Good luck.

06-11-16, 15:13
Thanks jax12, that gives me hope. I've managed a banana and a bowl of cereal so far today, which doesn't sound much but is a small improvement. Im going on holiday in 2 weeks so hoping my appetite is better for that, it's something to keep me motivated :)

06-11-16, 15:25
Thats good Oh dear,uve had more than me today! My appetite gets better at night because Im more relaxed at night,but soon it will be back to normal and also have just discovered a stomach infection which is not helping so I have got to take more meds!! Unlucky or what as the stomach infection has nothing to do with the anxiety. Cant wait to feel good again,I bet u do too.:)

06-11-16, 15:32
Oh poor you, wishing you a speedy recovery from the stomach infection. Hopefully once thats better you'll see a big improvement. I've been taking multivitamins to give me a little boost at the moment. Hopefully soon we'll both be back to normal.