View Full Version : Weather anxiety

05-11-16, 21:35
OK, this is not like me but I must be feeling really bad tonight. :weep
Is this weather really anxiety triggering or is it just me?
I feel so lonely, freezing, dark and isolated.
At least in the summer time it would still be (just about) bright until now and it is mild and comfortable (unless we have a heat-wave which is rare in the UK!
I just feel really morbid and lonely and dark. It doesn't help that it is only 2oc where I am and I cant stop shivering either.

Please anyone, I really need some advice :hugs:

06-11-16, 07:06
This is dead common, Callum. I've been through it a few times myself. If it wasn't the dark nights & rain bringing my mood down, the cold would make me feel weak as I felt like I couldn't handle it. Even in the summer I would worry about the heat and sleeping.

Sometimes it's just about being sensitised and so many things can impact on you. Something very typical of GAD and people at more intense anxiety stages.

Find things to do to keep you busy. Engage your mind in something. Get exercise to get you moving as it will get your blood flowing and more nutrients flowing.

06-11-16, 08:42
I've felt the same in the past.

The dark evenings stress me out, as it just eliminates so many opportunities and things I enjoy doing. Cycling?.... Meh... no. Sitting in the garden?..... Probably not. Making videos.... in the dark? No...

I try and embrace it when I can. When I got home from work on thursday it was drizzling with rain, and pitch black.

Got my raincoat on and when for a 30 minute walk. Was really nice.

I focussed on different sensations. The lights, and how they reflect off the puddles. The sound of the drops bouncing off my hood. The cold against my face.

Rather than feeling "freezing, dark and isolated" try and "change your state" by doing something that counteracts that.

Not easy, but you have to change something to get out of the rut.

06-11-16, 10:32
Hey man :) Yes, this definitely happens to me. I think the best thing I can suggest is really trying to make the atmosphere indoors better. Maybe put on some nice music or a movie and try to get your mind off the cold, when it's bothering you. Here in Aus things are heating up but I can definitely sympathise with how you're feeling. Hope it improves soon !