View Full Version : Buzzing pulse in left foot, anyone else?

06-11-16, 04:21
So my left heel and into the arch of my foot, each night for the past three, seems to have this pulsing buzz going on.

It buzzes like cell phone for two seconds or so, then two seconds pause and so on. I was almost able to write it off to anxiety, but I wasn't feeling anxious when it started up. Now, of course, I am hypersensitive to it, and notice each pulsing buzz with dread.

I didn't notice it today, but sitting down to watch tv tonight, there it was again.

The other thing about this, for me it is a new symptom. I have had health anxiety for 28 years now, and this is a new one for me. So at the age of 46 I am worried about MS or something, since in all my years of dealing with anxiety, I have never had this symptom.

Anyone else have this?

07-11-16, 07:04
I've actually had that happen in my left foot. I doubt it's anything abnormal. Just an odd feeling sensation. Maybe ask your doctor if it worries you.

07-11-16, 10:16
I had this before anxiety. Everything we feel does not have to be anxiety, some or a lot are just normal reaction and feelings in our boodies.

When we age, we get more and more ;)

07-11-16, 11:12
I've been buzzing in my left foot for a few weeks. It's only just gone off. Actually it's just started again having read this post....

07-11-16, 11:55
Pretty sure I've had similar sensations in various places. They've never really bothered me, it's a bit like when your eyelid does that twitching thing for no reason, then it just goes away. Maybe something to do with pulled muscles?

07-11-16, 21:12
To be honest, I have probably had it before, but for whatever reason, I noticed it this time. And when the anxious mind (at least mine) fixates on a "new" thing, it wants to know that whatever is causing said "new" thing isn't something terrible.

It is just the damn inability for me, even with therapy, to let go of what we cannot control and give in to just living and enjoying life.

My foot went about 24 hours with no buzz, it's back. But I am kind of okay with it now.

07-11-16, 22:07
To be honest, I have probably had it before, but for whatever reason, I noticed it this time. And when the anxious mind (at least mine) fixates on a "new" thing, it wants to know that whatever is causing said "new" thing isn't something terrible.

It is just the damn inability for me, even with therapy, to let go of what we cannot control and give in to just living and enjoying life.

My foot went about 24 hours with no buzz, it's back. But I am kind of okay with it now.

I've had pretty much exactly what you described and it drove me crazy at night trying to sleep. I just could help but worry. I think most people will get things like this but they don't have health anxiety, so they would never think it could be something bad, therefore they don't pay it anymore attention.

But you've got to think logically even though your anxiety will still be there, linking this sensation to MS is silly as we all know because we've been there, the same as linking a slight pain in chest to a heart attack, a sore back to a deteriorating spine condition, a freckle to cancer, a headache to brain tumour.

What we feel on its own is nothing, but to us it's extremely alarming and we cannot shake the thought that it's really the worst case scenario!
"This time it is something bad" "This is definitely not caused by anxiety" "I'm not even anxious" "This is new"

We all share those thoughts, I believe it will pass very soon and when it does we look back and think how silly of me wasting time worrying, until the next feeling comes along. I've had a very aggressive twitch in my eyebrow of all places everyday for over 10 days now, it's driving me absolutely potty haha! But it will pass, thats all I can keep telling myself

16-11-16, 14:04

I have had this problem in my left heel also, however I've had this on and off for near enough 20 month now. Sometimes it moves to just my big toe (rarely) -weird I've been to the doctors several times and I'm now being moved to a muscularskeletal physio but until then everythings a waiting game and the doctors look at me like I'm insane......meanwhile this is sending me insane. :wacko:

25-11-16, 22:30
Its back, and while I was trying not to let it bother me, there it is...bothering me. Making me think MS, naturally. I haven't been to the Doctor about it, nor probably will I go, as it seems silly.

But three weeks now off and on. Sometimes I am able to blow it off and ignore it, but for whatever reason today I am worrying a bit.

26-11-16, 22:06
For those that might be dealing with this, just putting this out there.

It seems to be worse after driving or sitting for a good period, which speaks to lower back issues from my understanding. I have no other neurological issues (other than things I KNOW come from anxiety), so I am trying not to freak out and trying to look at it logically, using some of the CBT techniques I learned in therapy.

Anxiety is such a bugger. Also, so is this damn buzzing heel. :huh:

---------- Post added at 22:06 ---------- Previous post was at 22:04 ----------


I have had this problem in my left heel also, however I've had this on and off for near enough 20 month now. Sometimes it moves to just my big toe (rarely) -weird I've been to the doctors several times and I'm now being moved to a muscularskeletal physio but until then everythings a waiting game and the doctors look at me like I'm insane......meanwhile this is sending me insane. :wacko:

Well, for all its worth, we can't all have something serious wrong with us, right? The one thing we all DO have in common is anxiety. Sometimes it is hard for us to look past all the other causes and accept anxiety, but then we are all here for that reason....:bighug1:

Hang in there!