View Full Version : Stool colour

06-11-16, 08:37
Is any shade of brown even if light brown ok. I get confused by pale or grey or clay in colour does that mean grey or nearly white due to lack of bile and if there was lack of bile would you have yellow eyes and skin etc ?

06-11-16, 21:33
If it's brown, you're good. But why are you looking at your stool? The last thing I want to do after a good ole bowel movement is start checking it out.

06-11-16, 21:40
it's good to look at your stool. the colours vary a lot from day to day with different food and stress levels and things. Your probably good, change up your diet a bit and look at that first to see, and otherwise like always just ask your doc what he thinks, but ya your prob good, east some beets and you will have purple turds for sure, purple turds are a sign of a super hero pooh

06-11-16, 21:50
It might be good to occasionally glance at your stool, but obsessive checking is pointless.

06-11-16, 22:18
they vary in colour, size, shape etc. it's fairly meaningless.

www.ratemypoo.com has plenty of variations if you're interested