View Full Version : Numb and dizzy

03-04-07, 15:52
Ive been sat here - at home on my lunchbreak - crying - Ive felt fine all morning - confident and happy but at lunchtime I started to feel dizzy, weak in my legs and numb in my hands and scared I was going to die. I have never had health anxiety and I know when I have a panic attack what it feels like - but this dizzy, vertigo like feeling and my breathing is fine and my heart rate slow - is scarying the s**t out of me. Had a good cry and now getting ready to go back to work but still feel woozy and light headed yet Ive eaten lunch and Im very relaxed - I have been doing so well lately - now I just want to cry x Wenjoy x

03-04-07, 15:59
Hi, I'm really sorry you feel like this. Unfortunately it's par for the course with anxiety. Just see it as a blip rather than a major setback. I suffer from vertigo and numbness when I'm very anxious. Have a good cry if you need it and then move on.

Take care xxx

03-04-07, 19:13
Hi Wenjoy

Sorry to hear you are not feeling too well today.

Heres a HUG for you hun :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

I have days like that too, try not to let it get you down, try and focus on the good days you have had, you have been doing so well lately, tommorrows a new day and i hope its a better one for you hun.



03-04-07, 20:03
Hi there

Had you eaten much?

I have been feeling really dizzy today and feel terrible tonight and I think it cos I am not eating enough throughout the day.

Well I hope it is that! Could be anxiety too as I started a new job

03-04-07, 21:53
Hey hey Wenjoy I feel like this all the time, I've even put a thread up just now about good and bad days

My sypmtoms sound identical to yours too! :(

We're all in this together remember that

03-04-07, 22:13
I have been living with anxiaty ever since I remember. Sometimes it goes away for a couple of years and then back to square one. I am currently away from my home (7,000 miles away) taking care of my old and sick parents who live alone. Lately I have been having attacks and feelings of fainting and lightheadness and am worried abount fainting (mainly at night) and no one to take care of me. I know this is all part of panic attacks and I want to get rid of them ASAP.


03-04-07, 23:26
Aw poor you. I know those feelings too hun.

I have just started to get numb in the hands lately as well, this anxiety thing is a right pain

love mandie x

04-04-07, 05:56
Thankyou one and all - felt a bit better later in the day but scared as I feel all jittery inside! Thankyou. Love Wenjoy x

05-04-07, 07:37
You know what happened? You got tired..The stress is making you feel that way .On any given day a person that doesnt have anxiety gets tired but a person that has anxiety gets three times as tired.Believe me I go through this everyday and wonder why .I realize although we don't seem to feel stressed we really are..and it causes negative feelings and tiredness even more and then the weakness and numbness and the odd sensations start in..Believe me I swear to you everyday this happens no matter how good im feeling..Today ,I got up early did some work talk to workman dealt with the day as the morning progressed I got so tired it scared me.I started feeling like my back was breaking i was freezing and my legs were feeling weird and then I got so sleepy that I tried laying down for a little while although I didnt have a chance to go to sleep..i had to get back up and deal with people coming in.They were here and my mind was floating somewhere else.Normally where I can have a good conversation I was just out there..After everyone left I did the chores that I normally do.I usually am very good with telling people good bye but today my mind was just not there and just let them slip by with a quick goodbye..I was feeling miserable and all I could think of was to go lay down and go to sleep.I got through with things that I needed to do and didnt do anything but lay down cover up and go to sleep.The results is about a three hour nap at 7pm till about 10 pm .I intended to go back to sleep but my wife feeling better decided to stay awake therefore here I am.. I can really indentify with you and the stress is like doing three to four times what you are doing already .I wish I had an easy solution to what you are going through .God knows I would do it myself but the days are hard for me as well..and days that I feel good end up over doing or feeling exactly how you feel.As a matter of fact right now I was rested somewhat but ate a snack not dinner and im tired and getting a little anxious as i had to stay awake when I planned on going to bed earlier to see if i felt better,but well taking such an odd nap at that time and being awake now im not sure that if I laid down I could go back to sleep so im back to square one..Try not to worry to much..Just always try to relax as much as possible when you are up doing and working and hopefully you will have more and more days that you are feeling good and things will get better..What you are describing sounds pretty normal but will subside gradually just hang in there and keep trying.. You will be fine..

05-04-07, 20:18
Thankyou - that was really helpful = funny thing is today I felt fine this morning but spaced out and dizzy and tingly all afternoon and am ok now - weird!!!! Wenjoy x