View Full Version : Worried about my loss of appetite

06-11-16, 14:47
Hello everyone,

I'll try to make this short, so for about 3 months or so my appetite hasn't been completely normal (caused by anxiety and stress) which has caused me to feel sick most mornings- causing gagging or actually throwing up- and my appetite has seemed to decrease. Dont get me wrong I am still eating but I now tend to miss breakfast as I feel too sick and dont eat as much through the day. Anyway, because I've paid attention to it for so long I'm scared it wont go away, like when I see food now I get the thought that I wont be able to eat it all and that sets me off feeling full and quite sick. I have learnt to live with it and I guess it's bothered me less than it did at the start but the problem is that I'm doing a foreign exchange in a couple of weeks meaning I have to live in a foreigners house for a week, eating the meals they cook and sleeping in their room etc. I'm so scared now that I wont be able to enjoy it at all because I'll be too anxious about eating. As per usual, I'm overthinking and now I'm thinking that I might not be able to eat AT ALL so I'll have to go to a foreign hospital or something. I hate this so much!! I just wish I could enjoy something without all the 'what ifs' 😥

Anyways, thanks for reading. What do you think I should do? I need to do it but I'm just awfully nervous, I'd really appreciate any response!

06-11-16, 14:53
Talk to them about it.

Say you've had problems with your appetite, and you have struggled to eat just lately.

Take the pressure off yourself. When you tell them, they will understand, and then you can just relax and eat what you can.

What are some of the "what ifs?" plaguing you?

They all have answers, I can guarantee.