View Full Version : Hey

06-11-16, 19:28
Hey, hope you're all enjoying your Sunday.

So you'll know that I've been struggling bad for the past month or so imparticula and basically my worries have gone from ovarian cancer to now bowel cancer.

After convincing myself I was riddled with cancer of some sort, I took myself off to the dr.
I explained to her the following:-

Im experiencing
Lots of gas
Diarreah then constipation
Gurgling in stomach even after I've ate
Burping loads
Feeling full
After going to the toilet I feel I still need to go

She told me she was 99% sure I was suffering ibs.
I had blood tests to check for lactose intolerance, celiac, iron, thyroid and stomach/liver/kidney.

All came back fine, no inflammation in stomach, everything was ok. She just said my kidney reading was fine but could be higher.

Basically tho I'm still having all these stomach problems.

I'm scared I'm driving my family mad but also that eventually I'll have such advanced cancer that I'll die. Il dreaming mad, waking in the night having dreamt of a death, and just constantly, no matter what I'm doing I can tell get it out of my head that I have cancer.

This isn't a healthy way to think is it?
Please if anyone can just chat with me who may have ibs and can relate to me let me know.

Thank you

07-11-16, 14:46
I have coeliac disease and ibs apparently so I can relate to what your going through. All those symptoms are very typical of ibs but I know it's hard to believe sometimes that all these issues can be something other than life threatening when we have minds that go ten to the dozen like ours do. To be honest I am sure that my tummy troubles bought on this latest bout of anxiety for me as I was getting a bad tummy after eating so often and bloated all the time that i started getting concerned about it. Anxiety came on a few days after booking an appt with my gp to speak about it.

Ibs is very annoying but by working out when you have tummy troubles and looking back at what you have eaten you can narrow down what is playing you up as it's different foods for everyone. Your gp should be able to prescribe some tablets that can help or there are some you can buy over the counter. Your gp has done blood tests and made sure to check for other issues which is good as this rules out anything serious. I know this doesn't stop the mind from worrying though but we have to have some faith that Drs know what their doing and trust me, I am telling myself this as much as you lol x

07-11-16, 21:07
Thanks for your reply