View Full Version : Christmas Depression

06-11-16, 19:51
Anyone else suffer from Christmas Depression ? Mine is kicking in now.

06-11-16, 22:18
Not yet

I tend to not enjoy Christmas now as I did when I was child up to when I was about 21. The last couple of years have not been fantastic,

As I dont social much and find it depressing every year I get older. I dont eat much around Christmas after Christmas Day for a couple of days.

I will not being watch The Snowman and The Snowman and Snowdog this Christmas.

08-11-16, 16:00
I was talking about this at work the other week and we were saying that we should reach out to those at work who find Christmas hard due to mental health or even just loneliness.

Does anybody know of any good resources regards mental health and christmas?

08-11-16, 16:11
Anyone else suffer from Christmas Depression ? Mine is kicking in now.

Me too. Thanks to my Dad shuffling off his mortal coil on Christmas Day almost 20 years ago, I've never been the same. I do try and put the effort in for my children's sake but I lost my Christmas spirit that day.

Also, I can't drink.:dry:

08-11-16, 16:52
Me too. Thanks to my Dad shuffling off his mortal coil on Christmas Day almost 20 years ago, I've never been the same. I do try and put the effort in for my children's sake but I lost my Christmas spirit that day.

Also, I can't drink.:dry:

I'm so sorry. Losing a loved one is hard regardless of the date, but a holiday makes it that tiny bit harder to deal with. A relative of mine (whom I never knew) died on New Years Eve/New Years Day and it's very hard for their parents every single year.

I personally no longer have the Christmas spirit either. I don't feel extra depressed on Christmas though (I have the Summer for that), I just don't have 'heart' anymore. My closest relatives get together every year and although it's been a little bit better this past couple of years (due to a relatives cancer diagnosis and thankfully all clear) it's still tarnished in my mind by the constant nitpicking of one another and petty arguments. I always dread it as I expect some kind of drama

08-11-16, 17:44
It happened to a neighbour of mine when I was a child; the husband and wife had talked about their future plans on Christmas Eve (the big day up here) and then he died on Christmas Day, aged around 50. Recall it was all very sad, and I didn't even know him.

You could do like I do and celebrate on Christmas Eve instead. It's soon time to bring out those electric candlesticks that are so typical up here. Otherwise I'm not a big fan of Christmas celebrations. I have my birthday upcoming in early December, will have to survive that too...

I don't drink either, except mulled wine, which is traditional.

08-11-16, 20:48
I don't really know what happened. Just feel so down. Used to love Christmas shopping - can't stand going into Cardiff at the best of times now, let alone at Xmas seeing all the screaming kids, want want want. Anxiety goes through the roof. I've tried looking for my Xmas spirit in various places, including a bottle of Sailor Jerry Rum, Kraken rum but nowt. I can't really put my finger on where this has come from. Just really don't like Christmas at all.

08-11-16, 21:02
Can you get a friend to take a trip out with you, perhaps that would help distract you from all the materialism around you, just a thought

08-11-16, 21:59
Not so much depression as anxiety. The expectation to be 'jolly' weighs heavily especially when people say I spoil Christmas for them. Call me cynical but the whole thing is a commercial exercise.

09-11-16, 08:37
I agree, fishman. It's lovely for children though.

09-11-16, 11:19
I have anxiety that heightens at christmas, not so much depression.

I do enjoy the time with my Grandchildren though and the innocence of christmas through their eyes. That they will get a present of say a toy and then proceed to play with the box as much as with the toy.

Last year Oscar got some Avengers figures, he's 4, we made an Avengers HQ using cardboard boxes and sellotape, love that about the young .......... As long as parents are not teaching them materialism the young are innocent about what a toy is

10-11-16, 13:22
Maybe you will experience chirstams miricle and you will have a nice christmas :)

10-11-16, 19:34
I go along with that in some respects its sad but I don't like christmas in modern times too commercalised for my liking, plus I will be alone it's just another day to me! I remember Catherine Tate on telly on about christmas it made me laugh :)

11-11-16, 16:51
Christmas is about love and piece. It shouldn't be about commercialization.

12-11-16, 10:58
Christmas is about love and piece. It shouldn't be about commercialization. No it shouldn't be,so true some people may say it's always been like this but I beg to differ some of my happiest times was when I was a child at christmas home made toys etc you know the simple things that made us smile :) Kids today even at 3 or 4 they aren't happy unless they have a smart phone or some other electronic gadget so sad

12-11-16, 14:05
No it shouldn't be,so true some people may say it's always been like this but I beg to differ some of my happiest times was when I was a child at christmas home made toys etc you know the simple things that made us smile :) Kids today even at 3 or 4 they aren't happy unless they have a smart phone or some other electronic gadget so sad

The thing is, you cant blame the children for that, poorly behaved or poorly motivated children is much more down to parental guidance or parental circumstances. I know children that are healthily happy with very little at christmas and more with being part of the happiness at that time, party games, feeding the ducks in the winter weather, playing with cardboard boxes.

I really worry about the proliferation of tablet use in young children, I think its okay at a low level of use but I question when parents use the tablets as baby sitters like 20 years ago children were plonked in front of the VHS & TV.

I'm trying to look out for some writing on Christmas depression but haven't seen any yet.

12-11-16, 14:41
Yes you re right!! but it seems the norm now a days give them tablet and forget about them.
glad i was bought up differently though :) You could Google it i usually put '+' inbetween 2 key words this helps get the searches that you really need. Good luck and hope you find what you are looking for :) Cheers let us know how you get on!!

The thing is, you cant blame the children for that, poorly behaved or poorly motivated children is much more down to parental guidance or parental circumstances. I know children that are healthily happy with very little at christmas and more with being part of the happiness at that time, party games, feeding the ducks in the winter weather, playing with cardboard boxes.

I really worry about the proliferation of tablet use in young children, I think its okay at a low level of use but I question when parents use the tablets as baby sitters like 20 years ago children were plonked in front of the VHS & TV.

I'm trying to look out for some writing on Christmas depression but haven't seen any yet.