View Full Version : Alcohol

Lost all hope
06-11-16, 20:08
Hi just wanted to know if drinking alcohol makes things worse for anyone?
I went out last night and today feel absolutely awful all my symptoms have come back.
I don't think il be drinking again!

06-11-16, 20:12
Do a search on this. There are pages of threads that agree with you. If you can drink with anxiety and/or while taking meds (which all advise limiting or abstaining) good for you. Those posting about it here obviously cannot without suffering the consequences.

Positive thoughts

06-11-16, 20:18
I enjoy a pint or two of Shipyard now and again. Doesn't seem to make much difference. At least I'm happy in the pub for an hour or two !

Lost all hope
06-11-16, 21:02
I had more then a pint or two hahaha we was at the pub watching bonfire an fireworks an I got carried away a bit
Was out from 5.30 to 2.00 in the morning my own fault really!
Iv learnt my lesson won't be doing that again any time soon lol :)

06-11-16, 21:04
I think it is quite common yeah. thats how it is for me. I cant drink because I feel more anxious and depressed the day after.

There have been a few times where I just felt a hangover and nothing else but more often than not my mood will take a dive.