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View Full Version : free online cbt 12 week course

03-04-07, 16:39

I have just found a free CBT based 12 week course that you do online for panic disorder and/or agoraphobia.

I have just registered and it looks really good.

It is www.paniccenter.net (http://www.paniccenter.net)


03-04-07, 16:42
hey, thats so great, thanks for letting us all know, im off to sign up now.. cheers

03-04-07, 17:29
took that test for anxiety and depression just to see what it said and I feel worse than I did before I took it - lol
Seems like a good site.

07-04-07, 13:34
Thank you so much for the link. I was considering having CBT.

Now I've today registered for the free CBT course and have read the info and filled in the questionnaire.

07-04-07, 15:45
thank you very much for the link

love sandyjane

07-04-07, 19:40
has anyone started this??? i did about 4 days ago... maybe we can all keep each other posted on how it goes on this thread???

09-04-07, 18:15
just wondered how people were getting on, on this course and am i right in thinking it does not cost anything. how does it all work please and what sort of people help you with the cbt.


09-04-07, 19:28
just wondered how people were getting on, on this course and am i right in thinking it does not cost anything. how does it all work please and what sort of people help you with the cbt.


hello, i'm only on ther 1st week... at the beggining of each week you get information to read and then homework to do during the week...

the 1st session consists of lotsa reading, (i printed off 15 a4 sheets of info to read) then you need to print off an 'anxious thoughts and behaviours table' and a 'panic attack form' and you need to fill them in when you get anxious so that you have a record of your thoughts/symptoms and behaviours... the homework for the 1st week is just to fill in the forms when you need to but as the weeks go on i presume you need to expose yourself to scary situations. it did say that a lot of hard work needs to be put into it to overcxome it but i'm sure thats the case with any CBT.

you dont actually get anyone helping you but there is a forum on the website and people you can chat to who are going through the same thing or have completed the course.

yep the course is free... so you've got nothing to lose if it doesnt help...

23-04-07, 01:06
IT looked good so I decided to sign up the old panic bug has been hangin around me a little too much lately so I figured some positive reinforcement could do the trick

23-04-07, 19:58
I've just signed up for this, it has got to be worth a try! How are the rest of you getting on?

24-04-07, 20:13
Hiya I just signed up as well and have done lesson 1 - lets hope it helps!! Wenjoy x

30-04-07, 15:19
Hows everyone getting on with this? I'm in week 2, haven't really learnt anything I didn't already know

30-04-07, 18:41

I feel exactly the same. I am also in week 2.

01-05-07, 02:00
Hello everyone, on the subject of online cbt courses, I am doing one at an Australian site called http://moodgym.anu.edu.au
It is also free.


01-05-07, 07:53
Hi all
Ive just done week 2 and to be honest - it just confirms what we all already know from using this site but I am going to give it a go because its free and it can only help !!! Wenjoy xx

07-09-07, 01:45
Thanks :) I'm having a look at it now.

18-12-07, 17:39
i've just signed up and done the test. it'll be nice to know how we all get on with it

18-12-07, 19:56
I'm gonna have a go. Maybe it might sink it at some stage.

18-12-07, 21:36
Thanks going to give it a try....try anything
Cheers nmp

19-12-07, 08:49
thanks will be giving it a go
Richie xxxx

24-04-08, 14:29
Did anyone finish this course???

I did and I felt that it has helped in some way. I dont let the panic hold me back as much, whereas before I would avoid everything that I could. If I didnt have to go out, then I wouldnt.

My symptoms are still very strong and frightening though, and I wish I was more able to challenge my anxious thoughts. When a panic attack strikes, its the last thing that I think of.

Just wondered what everyone else thought???

28-08-11, 02:17
Thank you all for your posts on this matter. I have checked out the free course and it is well worth the effort to sign up for because cognitive behavioral therapy is so helpful, in my experience, for panic attacks. I had panic attacks for many years but really found I was able to deal with them using cognitive behavioral therapy. One other site that has a tonne of cognitive behavioral therapy, and a lot of real life examples utilizing cognitive behavioral therapy is http://panicattackrecovery.com
It also offers a free newsletter which also includes coverage of cognitive behavioral therapy and a tonne of tips for panic attacks.
I also really have found Dr. David Burns' work so amazingly helpful. His website is: http://feelinggood.com He includes an intro to his most recent book: When Panic Attacks. Dr. Burns has been an inspiration to so many people.

04-01-12, 11:47
ive signed up for it, ill watch this thread too, to see how we are getting on
t x

04-01-12, 18:21
Can i know how to join the course?

04-01-12, 20:58
Thank you panic1971. I have registered and will try and post my feedback on here.

24-07-16, 15:48
Can anyone who completed course as some feedback :)

25-07-16, 04:49
Can anyone who completed course as some feedback :)

The members on here that have done that course recently have left NMP and returned to the Panic Center forum. It's free to sign up to the forum so it will be best to ask them as other than the recent members, it never gets mentioned on here. The members who came here from there did so because their forum is very small but they said it was a good course and some members from here left to join that forum and use it.

The only people on this thread that I've seen around lately are t0rt01se36 and robinbrum.