View Full Version : Does anyone ever get physical symptoms before anxiety?

06-11-16, 23:22
Does anyone ever get physical anxiety symptoms before the mental anxiety?

I was have a nice conversation with a mental health professional tonight, was not feeling anxious at all, suddenly I start to shake, a few mins later I get tense between the shoulder blades, slightly numb feet, and a short while later quite dizzy, but just for a few seconds. The shaking eased off but kept coming back until it finally dissipated after about an hour and the odd bit light headedness.

Needless to say this brought on anxiety.

Please respond, I mean everyone reading this has anxiety, is a simple yes or no answer if you don't want to type too much.


07-11-16, 21:31
Hi, physical symptoms are awful. I get dizzy spells all the time, tight chest, pins and needles and a lump in my throat. I often get palpitations too. It really scares me even tho I know it's anxiety. I hate it.

07-11-16, 21:32
I do get this.

I was in work today and have been feeling fine all day not anxious at all. It got to an hour before i finished and i got a popping feeling in my right temple with a bit of dizziness and some blind spots in my eyes.

I went to the toilet to check my eyes out in the mirror and they looked a bit glazed, so i started to panic.

Im completely fine now and all the feelings have gone so it was just my anxiety. At the time my heart started racing and i felt like i was about to pass out.

07-11-16, 23:12
definitely, one feeds the other too so if you`re anxious you can get the usual symptoms starting, or if you have a cold for example and feel slightly breathless, a little lightheaded etc then it can kick off the anxiety.
sinusitis used to be the absolute shocker for me, I`d have stabbing head pains and be thinking allsorts but it was congestion and even after it was explained to me I would get extremely scared.

it will all pass in time, try your own version of mindfulness so you quickly jump on symptoms. tiredness is another thing that can really give you a bad day.

hope you are feeling better soon