View Full Version : Anxiety symptoms

07-11-16, 13:55
I feel like the symptoms of anxiety are the worst part about anxiety because I get anxiety symptoms like, feeling dizzy, walking off balance, tence body, weak, tired, palpitations, can't breath, the list is endless for me, but if I didn't have these symptoms I wouldn't be anxious because I'm contesntly focusing on the symptoms thinking I'm going to die.

07-11-16, 14:04
Hiya Shelly,

If you didn't have the physical symptoms, would your anxiety disappear or would it attach itself to a new fear do you think?

What triggered your anxiety to begin with if you don't mind me asking?

For me personally the physical symptoms are the least of my worries because the real anxiety is in my own mind.

I definitely relate with your sentiment of "this is endless", it truly does feel that way but it will end, once we get a handle on learning how to ignore instead of embracing what scares us.

07-11-16, 14:20
I know if I didn't have physical symptoms I wouldn't be so anxious, yes I would get the odd panic attack or have a little bit of anxiety but I wouldn't be constantly thinking about the physical symptoms if they weren't there. Last year I thought I overcome anxiety because the physical symptoms went so I was less anxious and did day to day things but I got a throat infection a few months ago which triggered my anxiety again. I got this anxiety in the first place as I had a bad experience giving birth 6 years ago. I did have anxiety before then but not physical symptoms and I could control it.