View Full Version : Very anxious now

07-11-16, 14:33
I'm feeling anxious about my symptoms, I have no reason to have these bad IBS symptoms, if it is IBS that is. I keep thinking it's more than that, but I'm trying to rationalise, I was on the verge of a real panic earlier when I had pains in my stomach. It's more of an ache, different to my usual IBS, is it common to have aches and crampy pain too? Please can someone just let me know if they have had similar symptoms, I would describe it as a 'belly ache' type feeling?

07-11-16, 18:50
Hi CeeCeeCee
My latest IBS bout was triggered by a tummy bug, but what should have lasted at most a week turned into six weeks of hell. Mainly stomach ache, wind, cramps and sometimes diarrhea, sometimes the opposite.

My anxiety just spiraled while I imagined what it 'could' be.....
I tried eliminating foods and I did the FODMAP diet but everything I ate just seemed to cause more pain.

Eventually I went to the doctor who confirmed IBS caused by anxiety and not food.

A day later the pain disappeared.

It's just so hard to believe what anxiety can do to your stomach, but I had to accept that's what it was because here I am, pain free and eating normally. And it's not the first time for me, I've been through the exact same scenario many times. But I never learn!

And I can assure you the pain was very real. I felt like I was living in a nightmare for a while. All because of my anxiety.

07-11-16, 19:07
Yes IBS can cause all sorts of belly issues, I have aches sometimes then at others usually if I've eaten something too fatty I get intense cramps.
Anxiety will absolutely make things worse and can even cause IBS symptoms to start with

07-11-16, 20:20
Thank you for the reply, I'm up and down, one minute thinking it is IBS, then worried it's not this time, hate being like this.

07-11-16, 20:23
Ah thanks Becky, it helps knowing that you get much the same time after time, like me. I never learn either, although I always think i'm better when I'm not feeling ill or anxious. I have a feeling it's maybe a bug triggering worse IBS than usual as I have a headache and bit of a temperature :-/

07-11-16, 20:29
I have merged your 2 threads now

07-11-16, 20:39
Thank you Venus :-)