View Full Version : Just been prescribed Pregabalin but Im scared to take it...

07-11-16, 15:56

Ive just had my meeting with a psychiatrist who has given me Pregabalin.

Im so scared to take it. Will it make my anxiety worse? What about side effects?

Ive got to say Im quite disappointed - the psychiatrist basically told me I have to help myself and that I probably will not need to see her again.


07-11-16, 16:19
Hi Lizzie.

As with all medication there will be side effects but you won't know exactly how it will affect you (if at all) until you start taking them - Not everyone on the same medication will experience the same effects.

To be honest I am quite shocked to hear that you were referred to a psychiatrist who after only one consultation has decided she doesn't need to see you again....

Can I ask if you don't mind was it an NHS referral, how long did you have to wait and what is your actual diagnosis - I assume some type of health anxiety?

07-11-16, 16:43
ive only seen my psychiatrist twice ever. ive seen my psychologist every week for the actual therapy. once the meds are sorted theres no point seeing them again unless you need to change them or stop.

07-11-16, 18:00

I had an initial assessment 3 weeks ago, with a "social worker".

I kept on calling them to see how long I would have to wait, almost had a breakdown on the phone last week and got an appointment for today.

I havent got a clue what Ive been diagnosed with. I have depression, health anxiety and crippling anxiety all day, everyday.

Depending on how I go, I may still go private.

She basically told me to "suck in in" grow up and get on with it.

I need to get a repeat prescription from my GP in a couple of weeks so it will be interesting to see what she has written to them.

I told about my brother committing suicide, losing my dad and grandma and she said - we all suffer loses - thats life.

Apparently my GP has been crap too - there are supposedly lots of areas of help they could of referred me on to.

Im feeling very alone and back to square one again - I really tought she would be my saviour....

08-11-16, 05:48
He probably meant your GP should have referred you to the IAPT service for therapy services. Accessing CMHT level's is supposed to be for after this or severe cases where they need to go straight into a multidiscipline team.

Within a CMHT you can often be seen by a mental health nurse more than anything, or other key workers like social workers to help you in the community, and the psychiatrists are there for the med reviews, the psychologists for the therapy, etc. With IAPT you get one person at each of the two levels they offer but that's only for therapy support.

I suggest you post on the Pregabalin board because they support each other on there about this med and can help you understand more about what you are going through on it.

08-11-16, 09:00
Thank you x

---------- Post added at 09:00 ---------- Previous post was at 08:58 ----------

I did ask to be referred as I was no getting anywhere with my GP.

He would just increase my AD which never worked.

I have tried CBT - didnt work either.

I have come off my AD and wont feel any worse or better.

I will post on the Pregabalin forum.

Thank you x

08-11-16, 11:09
I did give quite a long reply to your private message about pregabalin. I hope it wasn't lost in the ether