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View Full Version : Going to the doctor tomorrow over lump (Need support!)

03-04-07, 18:43
Hi everyone,

I posted a while ago about a lump on the lower part of my neck, where it meets the shoulder. In the last couple of weeks it has changed (I'm not sure whether it has gotten smaller or has changed location to somewhere deeper into the skin) but it is most definitely still there though it does not potrude anymore.

I went to the doctor when I first noticed it and she was as dismissive as she seemed incompetent. She couldn't even tell me whether it was a lymph node or not, or what it might be. Despite that she said I shouldn't worry. Fat chance!

In any case, tomorrow I'm paying £90 to get it seen by a BUPA doctor, and I hope he or she will give me a more thorough examination, explain what it might be, or if he doesn't know, send me for more tests. I should be happy it will soon be over but I can't help but feel anxious, especially about the possibility of a biopsy or something that needs awaiting for results.

Does anyone have any experiences of going to the doctor with lump or something and being given the all-clear when they were expecting the worst? I would really, really like to hear some of these stories to get me through today. I will definitely post tomorrow to let you know how it went.


03-04-07, 18:55
Hi Melissa,

I don't have a story you can relate too, I'm afraid, but I do know that whatever I've been worrying about has never been as bad as I thought when I've had it checked out.

I'm sure you'll be fine and I wish you lots of luck tomorrow. You are very brave in facing this head on and I hope the BUPA doc gives you your money's worth!

How long do you get for £90? Is that just the consultation fee?

At least you know you will get the doctor's undivided attention for as long as you need to sort this out, and hopefully they will be able to reassure you that it is nothing to worry about, plus maybe even tell you what it is!

I for one need to know WHAT something is - what caused it, what will happen, etc. - not just be fobbed off with a "well it doesn't look like something to worry about ...."

Best of luck. Keep us posted.

03-04-07, 19:01
The £90 is just the consultation fee, I'm afraid, but it is an hour long consultation with what I assume will be a kind of mini-check up to take my history and stuff. It is only so expensive because it's the first consultation and it has to be that long, after that you can get shorter (and cheaper) ones.

Thank you so much for your support. It's great to know I'm not alone.


03-04-07, 19:06
Hope it goes well tomorrow Mel and you get the answers you need.


03-04-07, 19:53
Hi Mel

Good luck with your appointment tomorrow, hope all goes well then you can move on.



03-04-07, 20:00
£90 wow

Good luck with it - I am sure it will be nothing.

04-04-07, 22:39
How did you get on today Melissa?

05-04-07, 09:38
Hi Milissa

How did things go yesterday? Hope all went well hun.:)



05-04-07, 22:25

Well, it was kind of a disappointment in a way, but it looks like I might not be dying after all (not of this lump anyway, something else might always crop up, knowing me:) ).

In short, I paid the money, and she couldn't find it. It was there but it was much more difficult to feel than when I went to the first doctor (who could feel it). I looked like a total idiot or maybe like I just imagine lumps. However the doctor did reassure me that whatever it was, it was nothing, likely a muscle knot (I didn't even know these existed but there you go, my knowledge of medicine outside of cancer is limited). She said a swollen lymph node would be obvious through the skin, so not to worry about that. She also felt the lymph nodes around the area and none of them were up.

The lump is still there; interestingly it's much more prominent in the morning, right when I get out of bed, and it seems to shrink if I work on it for a while. It can go, in the course of one day, from obvious to impossible to think. Come to think of it, when I touch it, it does hurt a bit like sore muscles do, though in truth, to the touch it feels nothing like a muscle.

Looks like another "It was nothing" story after all, who would have thought, after 50 previous ones :) ?

It seems like not all lumps are cancerous and can have other causes:).
I hope someone out there can take heart.



05-04-07, 23:26
good news, i told you it was nothing to worry about,now please try and give your poor wee adrenal glands a rest for a while,lol

06-04-07, 10:50
HI Mellissa

Glad it all went well, hopefully now you can move on hun.:yesyes: :yesyes:

:flowers: :flowers: