View Full Version : Good days and bad days

03-04-07, 21:52
Who else is like me?

Some days I'll feel fine and think wow no bad symptoms or anything today yay I'm normal

Then the next day you can feel dizzy, funny eyes, numb fingers, hands are tingling, headaches etc

Today is a bad day :(

So who else is like this

03-04-07, 22:04
Hi David

I have good and bad days too, i try and focus on the good days it makes me feel better, hopefully by doing that the good will out-weigh the bad (if you know what i mean lol):ohmy:



04-04-07, 05:57
Me too - dont you just hate it - just when you feel back to being better you get a dizzy numb day - hurumph!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wenjoy x

04-04-07, 09:55
Yep Lemonade Lolly that's the same situation with me too sometimes.

Today for instance, the top of my right index finger is numb and my little finger is tingling....so odd but other than that so far I feel ok lol

04-04-07, 10:32
It's really encouraging I think that so far in the poll, everyone has good days as well as bad.

04-04-07, 13:27
Hi David,

I have good days and bad days too. Luckily the good days far outweigh the bad at the moment so manage to remain positive.:yesyes:

Julie x

04-04-07, 14:11
I get good periods and bad periods. Like I'll have a week to even a month where I'm getting anxiety symptoms and then nothing for a week to a month or whatever. Ugh!

04-04-07, 15:22
Hi david

I have good and bad days to.I'm sorry to hear you not having a good one today.Just remember to keep your chin up and focus on the good :D
i am actually having a really good day so far

I hope you feel better soon just remember you not alone when your finger gets numb or tingle it takes longer to go away if you don't keep your mind occupied on something else.If you occupy it then you won't have enough time to worry about

cheers chat to you soon:hugs:

04-04-07, 15:57
Yep, good and bad fer me too! Sometimes it depends on what's going on that day, like if I'm gonna have a difficult day ahead and know it, but sometimes it can just come out of the blue, I wake up cranky or whatever and the rest of the day is like...bleh.

04-04-07, 23:06
i hate it when u are having a good day and all of a sudden u get the dizzy feeling, the panic etc

You just never know what its going to be from one day to the next

mandie x

04-04-07, 23:20
yes i have good days and bad days , but it all seems 2 be bad at the min lol but im sure the good days will be back ,

love sandy xx

05-04-07, 06:54
I tell you .. I have felt that way for so long..Its depressing to say the least.One day you are symptom free and the next two days you want to go back to bed because you have symptom after symptom.I feel that way a lot..I think its because we have days that we feel good like we used to and then the days that we didnt feel good in the past we just passed off as not feeling well.Actually if you think about your life .. haven't you always had days you felt great and then days you felt like crap? If you think about it I think you will realize that your life has always been like this,its just now we notice it more because we are more focused on whats going on everyday other than ignoring how we feel and going on.For a few days I felt great.. so I did more and the weather changing made me ache more and even my eyes got blurry and the way I slept made my arms ache and then when I leaned down to type my hands went to sleep but even if I didn't have anxiety I think that I would have suffered these fates as well ,so hopefully you will think about what i have said .I can almost assure you that all of us fluctuate back and forth and one day ..Our thoughts about other things will catch up with us and we will still feel bad a couple days out of the week or even more than that but we will get in our minds that its normal..Hope I helped a little..

11-04-07, 00:01

Good days and bad days, yes thats me.
You climb up the ladder one or two steps then get pushed back down again, sometimes further than before.

I dont seem to get my head above the top of the pit Im climbing out of yet.

one day perhaps I can say everyday is a good day but until then I keep at it and try my hardest.

11-04-07, 03:07
I'm on meds and therapy, and have mostly good days, but every once in a while I have a blip and its a bad day or more correctly a good day with a bad moment

12-04-07, 16:38
Me too. Have brill days and naff days and they change for no particular reason. Apparently this is part of the cycle of anxiety and we cant expect to wake up one day and be 'well' (shame!!!). The good days give us time to recharge our batteries and become more able to cope with the bad ones.

Eventually the good days are more and more often and the periods between bad days become longer and longer yay!!

Heres to a good day to everyone!


27-05-07, 01:15
To me this is the most frustrating thing about anxiety..God oh God I hate those bad days..Its like having all the wind knocked out of your sails..One day you have a tremendous day and the next you have the worse day of your life..Yes yes yes...I can identify. You will notice one day you will see five to eight to more comments or questions from me .. other days you want see one..maybe Ill try to help someone else that has felt things I feel.. If you watch my post here they are like a graph that someone has put together

We are all here for you and we all have them and pray everyday that the bad has gone.. but it takes effort sometimes weeks sometimes months sometimes years and sometimes it never goes away .but you want to know something funny I just ready.. One of the symptoms of anxiety is obsessing about getting better..Thats insane..who in their right minds wouldnt obsess about getting out of our little hells..Sorry about h word but thats the only thing I could come up with..

Hang in there we are all here for you ..God Bless you and take care..Michael

28-05-07, 14:27
No day is the same for me either - I can be having a good day then Wham a sensation comes out of no-where and knocks me for six. It can change throughout the day. Anxiety can be so frustrating cos its difficult to plan things - when Im having a good day I want to do everything.

I try and think back to before I had GAD and we would have had good and bad days then too but we are so much more focussed on our body symptoms now that we give it swo much more thought.

Every day it lurks around it never seems to go completely.

Luv Darkangel x

28-05-07, 16:03
O good grief I thought it was just me. But relieved to know its not me altho sad for you all. Are any of you on meds? I am but obviously arent working well as I would be more on an even keel. I seem to suffer from terminal disappointment as the bad days upset me more and more inspite of having several good days

love joy

28-05-07, 21:01
I agree with lemonade lolly,mine can vary from hour to hour or even minute to minute!!!

Take care,Candie xxx

20-08-07, 06:00
Yes to this, good and bad seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks and even months. I was fine for a few months and now I've slipped again, not as bad as before, but now there's good days and bad days again.

20-08-07, 06:04
yep,good days bad days,good hours bad hours,good minutes bad minutes..thats me.wish i new when my bad times was gonna be so i could just sleep them away....lol

20-08-07, 10:12
Good and bad days.

Although it's more like good and bad hours, really..

Keep going
22-08-07, 20:14
More like ups and downs with me e.g. up down up up down etc etc. Gets annoying sometimes.


22-08-07, 20:19
Hi David - Good poll!

I have good days, bad days, mediocre days, days that start good then turn a little bad, days that start bad & get worse, days that are so bad I'm not sure if I'll make it to the end of the day at all so maybe it'll just be a bad morning then I won't even be around to assess whether or not the next day is good or bad........ :wacko:

And then there are what I like to call "SuperHero Days" :D where I feel like there's a reason for all this suffering & its to strengthen my understanding of my mind & to have greater empathy with everyone around me & maybe I can turn things around & not only help myself but help others too, maybe even discover some sort of all encompassing 'cure' for this & truly change the world......

And then it'll turn into a bad day again.... Yawn.

I know you know what I mean cos you started the poll; isn't it ridiculas though?! What a rollercoaster of emotions! Still - Look out for the good in everything & only aknowledge the bad when it comes looking for you.
Take care, CarpeDiem

25-08-07, 19:19
Yes I have good days and bad days, the unfortnate thing is the good days are only relatively good not really good.

Rachey poos
02-09-07, 09:22
Yep... I can have brill months and then BANG! palpatations for months then could climb Ben Nevis and then BANG cant even walk down my village! Anxiety... WIERD! I know exactly how you feel me Luv!

02-09-07, 16:36
I have found I have good weeks and bad weeks, I love the good weeks but the bad weeks are dreadful, just wish I could get stable really.

02-09-07, 18:40
Hi David,

I get just like Carpediem so you can count me in on the good days and bad days too. Like today I was fine this morning but this evening I have started to get toothache and now I am getting panicky thinking I am going to have a bad infection like I did a few months back :weep: .

02-09-07, 21:46
I feel rubbish now as I only ever have bad days:weep:

I cannot remember the last day that anxiety or panic wasnt there. I have it 24/7 - lurking around me just waiting to get me :mad:

16-11-07, 09:22
I have good days, bad days, mediocre days, days that start good then turn a little bad, days that start bad & get worse, days that are so bad I'm not sure if I'll make it to the end of the day at all so maybe it'll just be a bad morning then I won't even be around to assess whether or not the next day is good or bad........ :wacko:

And then there are what I like to call "SuperHero Days" :biggrin: where I feel like there's a reason for all this suffering & its to strengthen my understanding of my mind & to have greater empathy with everyone around me & maybe I can turn things around & not only help myself but help others too, maybe even discover some sort of all encompassing 'cure' for this & truly change the world......

And then it'll turn into a bad day again.... Yawn.

COMPLETELY empathise with that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

23-04-08, 19:21
I think i only have bad days there is always something bothering me whether it is dizzyness, headaches, eye aches like it's dizzy, numbness, pins and needles, spots on face for the last 3 weeks etc.
I've definitly not had a week in about a year where there hasn't been something, i had some weeks where the dizziness wasn't there but at the same time i had stitches in my back from where i had my cancerous moles removed and this was causing me to ache all over cos my body wasn't relaxing properly as i couldn't lay on it to well cos the stitches were so tight.

milly jones
23-04-08, 19:22
I too can change very quickly from good to bad, within the day. I have days when i think i'm superhuman and can tackle anything, and then i come crashing down by a comment or look. Self esteem is a fragile thing. Glad we can all share the burden of anxiety xx

20-05-08, 16:37
I've felt bad all week so far but I guess it's because I haven't been able to leave the house to get my mind off thoughts, i've got flu at the moment and I keep feeling exhausted.

Waiting for a good day :flowers:


31-07-08, 12:22
Yes I totally agree with you all, that anxiety is the most frustrating of ailments due to the seesaw effect it has with both our emotions and physical sensations. I think the secret in stabilising the seesaw effect is to pace ourselves effectively throughout the week. In other words on a good day do not over exert yourself. Do the same on the good day as you would on a bad. This has slightly reduced the bad days for me, give it a go folks and let me know if it works for you

23-10-08, 15:34
I'm the same as everyone else, good days and bad, Last month I had 3 good weeks and thought I had cracked it but guess what ..... yes, you know, it's back to the bad days, ah well by the law of averages, there are better days ahead. May the sun shine on you tomorrow:)

Hereford Al
23-10-08, 19:15
I seem to go from having a good few days or even a week of feeling relatively OK, followed by a week or two of feeling like absolute crap, where almost anything terrifies the life out of me, for no reason that I can actually identify.

Since I have been off work and on my medication (Mirtazapine) since the middle of July, I had a good first few weeks (with the odd headache and a few nervous moments, etc), then a really crap week in the middle of August when I tried to go back to work too soon and basically freaked out in the office and had to be driven home (took me about a week to get over that episode) before beating myself up inside over what a failure I had been.

Then a decent week where I sat in the garden in the sun and read a load of books I did not even know I had and ate loads of Strawberries, followed by two weeks of sheer hell at the start of September when I felt like a prisoner in my own home whilst my parents were away on holiday.

But I survived those two weeks, and had a really decent 10 days or so where I felt almost on top of the world. Then I must have picked up a stomach bug or something because I was really ill when walking around town one day, and had two weeks where my nerves seemed absolutely shredded to the point where I nearly volunteered myself to be sectioned.

I did have a really good 10 days or so up until this Tuesday, since when I have been really edgy and unable to sleep properly for some reason. Tonight I feel a bit crap and I do not know why.

I wish I could just feel "normal" (not overly happy or anything, but not as down as I have felt) for a proper, consistent length of time so that I can allow my body to recover - crap only knows what all this stress, anxiety and poor sleep pattern is doing to my physical health, let alone my mental health. Almost seems that every time I think I am making progress, somehow my mind tries to force me to reject the non-anxiety feelings, as if it wants to keep fighting all the time!!!!

23-10-08, 20:41
i agree with every1 some days are like yyeehhhh i feel like my old self ......and then go to bed wake up and BAM!!!!!! feel like the world is on my shoulders and i get really weird symptoms (tht every1 has here )

or sometimes i just generly feel weird!!!!!!

but i think to myself i ave felt like this before it wont last (thank god) xxx

26-11-08, 15:02
I am exactly the same. Today is a bad day for me... I have felt dizzy, eyes not focussing properly, not with it etc for the majority of today. I find it really difficuly to convince myself that it's only anxiety! Glad to know there are others too.

26-11-08, 15:06
I was going to do this exact same post today I cant believe how rubbish I feel today when I thought i was over the worst I am right back down again. It is a comfort to know this is common place with anxiety I wioke this morning really anxious and have been panicky all day. It is such hard work and I have a lot of muscle pain and burning today it is rotten.:bighug1:

26-11-08, 15:13
I can have a few good days when I'm am happy and then suddenly I will feel so down and depressed and anxious. It's really horrible when that happens. I then end up thinking that it is my own fault for being happy in the first place.

30-12-08, 11:30
Im so glad you posted this. I was going to ask the same question!
I've had a couple of good weeks followed by a week of nausea, dizziness, tummy churning and tearfullness. Today I feel very spaced out. (I must say its my ladies week too, which I am sure really doesn't help!)
Keep smiling!

08-06-09, 18:03
Wow this is amazing cause i feel the same way and sometime feel like yelling out the top of my lungs cause i wanto enjoy everyday and feel the same "Normal" enjoy my kids and things and enjoy them like i used too...

08-06-09, 20:56
me too - i have good and bad - the good ones can go on for weeks and then i get a bad day and feel back to square one and feel like i cant pull myself out of it. it started yesterday with a panic attack, sweating crying and tension feelings - today im just left with tension in my jaw and tongue (weird hey) and nerves in my tum
oh well hope i feel better in a few days

Sarah x

15-06-09, 13:55
At the moment been having a few good days now am waiting for the anxiety beast to come and knock me back down to earth.

16-06-09, 17:28
Good days and bad days for me to. I haven't had a panic attack for about 4 months so it's not been to bad recently. My anxiety has definatley cleared up although it is still some what there.

03-08-09, 00:29
Hi David

me too - good and bad days, hours, mins...... Have learnt to live for the good times so that I can saver them when I feel bad - thankfully the good times outweigh the bad times at the minute...
Stay positive - it helps


18-08-09, 00:24
always bad at the mo - panic all day long :(

30-01-10, 17:28
Not only do I get good days and bad days, I get good hours and bad hours, good minutes and bad minutes. It can change instantly!


Lolly X

Hi Lolly I have to agree, I can have bad moments and good moments in one day its so frustrating, cant remember the last day I had that was good.

Be well

debs x