View Full Version : Help with advice please GP appointment at 10:20

08-11-16, 08:35
Hello a bit of back story. I had to see an out of hours doc on Sunday due to my extreme anxiety from PTSD. My twin brother forced me to go.

The doctor was fantastic, everything you'd hope for. He gave me a prescription for 2mg diazepam x3 per day enough to last until today. Those have helped amazingy well.

I explained to him I missed my Psychologist appointment due to anxiety and not being able to leave the house. Also that I have my Psychiatrist appointment on the 22nd(as She will take over all medication)

In around a half hours time I'll take my diazepam to calm my nerves and allow me to leave the house with my partner(also a paramedic). The appointment is a longer type around 20min, so I hope together we can explain how bad it's gotten and I'm not going to work etc. I guess I'm hoping she prescribes something similar just until I get to see the Psychiatrist on the 22nd as don't believe I could hang on until then without some help.

So my question is: Do you think it's unreasonable to ask for some medication to tide me over? Also just knowing I have some in my medication keyring 9/10 is very calming if that makes sense.

Thanks for any advice given,

08-11-16, 08:52
No, it's not unreasonable at all.

Your opinion is equally as important on your state of mind than anyone elses.

08-11-16, 09:28
No, it's not unreasonable at all.

Your opinion is equally as important on your state of mind than anyone elses.

Thank you for taking the time to reply. I'm just so nervous, taken my last 2mg diazepam and kicking in. I just hope she understands I'm only asking for help until I see my Psychiatrist on the 22nd. As right now without something for the anxiety I have no social or work life. Wouldn't wish PTSD on anyone.

I'm back at work tomorrow on shift(depending on outcome of today as I'd be able to cope with some help)

Less than an hour to go. Please anyone reading wish me luck.


08-11-16, 09:38
Agree with SLA and good luck, let us know how you get on

08-11-16, 16:00
Update. GP was very understanding and prescribed me 2 weeks of diazepam to be taken 3x per day. Have a follow up when prescription is done.

Already feel so much better and will be able to leave the house and go to work without being crippled by anxiety. I was even out for a short while getting a little bit of shopping at my local shop after the appointment. Something I'd never do due to PTSD and all that goes with that.

Thank you so much for your help guys. I really do love this site, it's a real community.