View Full Version : Ribs.

08-11-16, 09:23
Does anyone know what it feels like if a rib is out? I have had a sore spot in my back for a month and it hurts in the front about the same spot. It hurts at the end of my breath and if i twist my torso side to side it hurts all down my left.

08-11-16, 09:32
I have this zippy. I would be really interested in responses you get.
It's quite a sharp pain and I get seem to twist round to the left side quickly or sometimes if I catch it awkwardly.

08-11-16, 17:17
No one else? I don't want to google because i know what will come up.

08-11-16, 20:25
There are a lot of muscles that attach to your ribs, and the intercostal muscles are particularly prone to injury. Your obliques are there too. If you're worried talk to your doc, otherwise resting and being vigilant about not reinjuring the muscle is your best bet. But your doc might be able to recommend some exercises to help. And put your mind at ease.