View Full Version : Up and Down, Happy then panicking bad

08-11-16, 16:35
Since splitting with partner things have gotten better, but I am having good hours and then bad hours where I am catching myself panicking and its making me feel ill. Its all the life changes that are happening, the practical stuff like sorting between our belongings and getting the deposit and money together for the new flat. These things have been the worst.

I am just finding it hard to cope at the moment , people around me think I am coping well but the panic im getting isnt obvious to others I dont think.

I was taking Nytols every night for a few days and stopped them because they are having a rebound effect where I dont sleep at all. Stopped the propranalol too for the same reason that they interfere with my sleep.

Not really seeking any answers, just venting frustration with wanting to feel ok again.

08-11-16, 16:46
It's probably still from the impact your separation has had on you. I know it's hard to deal with but in time things will get easier.
How did the Propranolol impact on your sleep (if you don't mind me asking), it helped me sleep as it made me tired.

Are you still seeing your baby regularly?

08-11-16, 17:04
How did the Propranolol impact on your sleep (if you don't mind me asking), it helped me sleep as it made me tired.

Hi KeeKee, it is a side effect of Propanolol, I'm not sure how common. It never caused me sleeping issues, but my friend just could not sleep when he was on them.

08-11-16, 17:36
Yes the propranalol makes sleep impossible, kept waking up every 30 mins on them. That nytol doesnt agree with me either. super groggy and out of it for hours after getting up.

I havent seen the baby as much as I would like to but saw her for my birthday on the 5th and that was really nice.

Just having moments of it all feeling unreal and what a crazy decision to have made with having a 19month old baby. As Terry put it it feels all a bit too Jeremy Kyle sometimes!

09-11-16, 00:34
My friend came round tonight, he's a good mate and he likes a drink but tonight I had the worst anxiety ever because he talks non-stop for hours and I cant get a word in. Well after drinking 2 beers my anxiety got so bad I had to throw up and tell him I needed to go to bed.

Wish I could enjoy seeing this friend because havent seen him in a while but I just couldnt handle it tonight. I think also hearing his opinion on how screwed up this split is really set me in to a panic. to hear him saying it meant it was 'more real'
to me.

Hate it when I have to act like I am doing OK and coping when im feeling nothing but extreme anxiety, I always try to keep happy so I am not a misery to be around. Feeling guilty for not appreciating the time with my friend.