View Full Version : Really worried

08-11-16, 19:23
Hi - I have bad health anxiety.
My wife has found a tiny round-shaped ball in the cartilage at the side of her nose.
She's not worried about it at all and thinks it's probably a sebaceous cyst.
But I'm terrified its cancer, although I obviously won't say anything to her.
I can't sleep because of it.
Can anyone help?
Thank you.

08-11-16, 19:39
Try and keep yourself distracted by doing things that you enjoy and keep reminding yourself that it's the anxiety that's making you think of all the worst things it could be. Is your wife going to get checked by a doc? Chances are that she's going to be just fine. I know it's hard but when you get an anxious thought in your head remind yourself that it is not fact, just an opinion and therefore you don't have to pay attention to it.