View Full Version : Pls hear me out.

08-11-16, 19:36
I reached rock bottom today.

I'm trying to do all I can to eat healthily and cut caffeine and alcohol out yet I still have looser stools and still am constantly thinking it's bowel cancer. Today I had the worlds worst headache but behind my eyes, I began thinking I could have a tumour and is hat connected to my bowels and it's was just a vicious circle to which made my headache prolong even more.
I'm due on this week and I've not got my usual pms symptoms so massively I'm thinking that I'm going to miss it which could be a sign of ovarian cancer.
There is not a single moment in a day when I relax and don't thing about cancer and dying....this isn't normal to surely? People in work are now labelling me a hyperchondriac which I guess could seem true...I just feel completely lost and sad.

I'm annoying family as they don't know how to help me anymore. I just always think I'm going to come back and eventually say....told u so.....I knew I was ill.

Sorry for all my posts just don't know who else to talk too.


08-11-16, 19:59
Katy, have you had any therapy at all?

08-11-16, 20:16
it's totally not "normal" but it's how many people on here are for a time in their life. It's been around from the start of recored history, and most religions deal with it, the budda was completely focused on it, the fear of death and thinking of the future causes us anxiety, in the time of the budda they have no antibiotics or basically any clue what was going on and people dropped dead from the slightest things.

I can't say for sure but it's very unlikely you can diagnose yourself with cancer because of a few symptoms that have more in common with stress related stuff, or have probably the same symptoms as endless other minor things. It's very very likely to be anxiety causing all your symptoms because it's something we can tell you have and you know you have or hyou wouldn't be freaking out.

Your fearing the future of getting cancer and dying even though you don't have cancer. Please stop considering cancer even an option, tell you doctor all symptoms you have, demand they figure out what is wrong with you but don't suggest or think you can tellyouself you have overran cancer or bowel cancer because your stools are loose.

Please get a grip and keep in mind if you do someday find out you have cancer you will wish that the time you didn't know you had cancer you were moving on with your life, even if yo have cancer and are dying at one point you will still need pick yourself off and use the time yo have left.

We all have a limited amount of time on this earth, we will all dye at one point, but so will everything living. What is important that you enjoy living as much as you can even with your health aniexty, but you don't have cancer, you have health aniexty and i can't decide what is worse, there is many people dying of cancer that are out enjoying life today more than us.

08-11-16, 20:26
No, your thought patterns concerning this are not normal. How are you addressing this?

I'm a survivor of Stage IV H&N cancer. My brother in law and step sister are also survivors. Overall, of all cancer cases, close to 75% survive. When you talk about the chances during one's lifetime, the chances of getting cancer are are pretty low too! It's not the death sentence so many believe it to be!

Positive thoughts

08-11-16, 20:53
No, your thought patterns concerning this are not normal. How are you addressing this?

I'm a survivor of Stage IV H&N cancer. My brother in law and step sister are also survivors. Overall, of all cancer cases, close to 75% survive. When you talk about the chances during one's lifetime, the chances of getting cancer are are pretty low too! It's not the death sentence so many believe it to be!

Positive thoughts

Absolutely agree. :yesyes:

08-11-16, 20:56
I don't know how old you are, Katy, but the chances of a relatively young woman getting bowel cancer are extremely low.

08-11-16, 21:06
Thanks. I'm 32

08-11-16, 22:28
Whether this is good advice or not I don't know.

When I fear something I look at the stats of getting that thing in my age group and when it says I have next to no chance, it helps a great deal.

These stats are readily available if you want to see for yourself. I won't post it in case some people don't find them helpful.

08-11-16, 22:34
Whether this is good advice or not I don't know.

When I fear something I look at the stats of getting that thing in my age group and when it says I have next to no chance, it helps a great deal.

These stats are readily available if you want to see for yourself. I won't post it in case some people don't find them helpful.

Yes that's exactly what I did and it really did help me actually, I didn't think 'what if' once I saw the stats it really helped. It may not for everyone but it was definitely one of my things.

Not that I'm saying everyone should do it, but it helped more than other forms of reassurance!

09-11-16, 16:49
It seems that everyone thinks that any change in bowel movements = cancer even though there are a million different causes of loose stools with the most prevalent being anxiety...