View Full Version : Tiredness causing agoraphobia and panic attack

08-11-16, 22:01
Hi all, I seem to have a particular problem when considering traveling away from home other than by car - I wonder if anyone else can identify with this.

I take medication which quite possibly is the cause of the tiredness. This does not normally cause me any great distress as I am retired, therefore when at home I can simply rest until the tiredness leaves me, which is usually after a few hours. But when I consider traveling, say by coach, for a holiday perhaps, I suddenly feel very anxious, thinking that the tiredness would be such that I would feel a need to return home immediately the feeling came upon me- which of course, if I was on a coach some hundred or so miles from home I could not do - hence, I fear a PANIC attack. And this is why I have for some years now not gone away from home.
I am desperately trying to find a solution, as I have booked a coach holiday this Christmas, and am already feeling very nervous. Any suggestions please.

10-11-16, 16:35
this is the problem I have. that thought that "must get home now" along with all the anxiety and symptoms that brings.

im learning mindfulness which is supposed to anchor you in the moment so you can accept thoughts and feelings and symptoms of anxiety. and become a casual observer of your thoughts and feelings. After a while you realise don't need to listen to thr thoughts and anxiety can't hurt you and with that acceptance the fear starts to fade.

takes a lot of practice. after 5 weeks of daily practice ive managed to handle agoraphobia type situation effortless 2 out of 3 times (the 3rd didnt lead to a panic but I wasnt 150miles away).

there's other methods like cbt, relabelling and challenging distructive thinking too and meditation

and of course medication.

it can be overcome ;)

10-11-16, 22:05
Thank you skymaid for your suggestions - by chance I am now on week 2 of mindfulness,and I must say it does seem to be having a good effect on me. So thanks again Pip