View Full Version : anxiety like feelings and tense

09-11-16, 08:44
I'm a 28 year old male, I been having them for months now, some days are worse than others, but come autumn/winter it seems to feel worse.
While I was at the supermarket yesterday, I was feeling tense, my heart felt like it was raicing fast, felt tired, fed up, just wanted to get out of there, I felt like I was having a panic attack.

A few months ago I was taken to a&e, had blood tests ecg scans to the chest, all normal, I mentioned to the paramedic my heart felt it was raising fast, she told me it wasn't.

I have been thinking about seeing a therapist, but have this feeling it's something else.
If it were hyperthyroidism or something like that or a heart condition, would they have seen it on my blood tests and scans?
The doctor at surgery 2 months ago thought I must be just stressed and to see a therapist by giving a number to ring them up. It was hard to explain at the time, sometimes the hear races fast first then the anxiety symptoms but other times it's together with feeling anxious first or feeling down first.

I feel fine after exercising, the moodyness and depressed feelings go away. The anxiety attack comes back when I feel down or fed up or bored. Hungry, and after eating too much,
I feel sensitive to heat, if it gets too hot, I feel panicky, but not after exercising. I feel tired, (I sleep around 11pm or 12am and wake up about 7am. Even if I manage to slerp at 10pm, I wake up early, about 6-7am and still feel tired.
I also get the symptoms on hyperthyroidism which I see on the Internet like heart palpitations tiredness feeling irritated.
I get stomach problems, like feeling full easy, and mild aches in my chest including the heart area.
I'm not sure whether I should bother the doctor and say I think I have a thyroid problem or go to see a therapist.

09-11-16, 11:13
Hyperthyroidism is usually ruled out first before they look to anxiety as the cause, and that's usually through a blood test. But I'm surprised that your doctor didn't explicitly tell you that, so it may be worth having that conversation to put your mind at ease while also perusing therapy.

09-11-16, 12:33
Sounds like a serious case of....


If you've had all the checks, and they are happy, then stress/anxiety is most likely causing you to feel like you do.

However, going back to the Doctor and saying you are still struggling is an option.

When your brain is overly stressed it feels like it is vulnerable. So it heightens its state of awareness for threats, both external and internal.

Since we have very few external threats these days, these fears usually manifest themselves as health anxiety.

Every bodily sensation suddenly becomes the most important thing in the world. These sensations were ALWAYS there. ALWAYS.

Your brain just tuned them out because you were in a "normal" state of mind.

Now that you are stressed, it is tuned INTO these sensations, and mis-labeling them as SYMPTOMS of something far worse.


It is all an illusion. Everything is. You are fine.


You feel better when you exercise because you are "changing your state". Instead of fighting the thoughts, you are fleeing them. Its fight or flight, an outdated, but still essential response to the modern world.

When you go running, you switch your focus to other things, and the anxiety subsides. Your body releases endorphins, and you feel better.

Let your brain relax. Give it permission to just rest.

Once you get off the anxiety-roundabout and let yourself just rest, life becomes a whole lot easier.

Best of luck.

19-11-16, 23:28
The above comment by SLA has really helped me, thank you so much x