View Full Version : struggling at work

09-11-16, 12:00
I've had 4 days on 10mg citalopram and going up to 20mg tonight. Feel like ive been doing ok but today im struggling. My anxiety is triggered by thoughts of the future and panic that I wont get the things I want out of life. I feel like screaming at people today and its not like me. Im usually an optimistic person when I haven't got anxiety.
Sorry to moan, just feels like im drowning today. Just need someone to reassure me it wont be like this forever.

09-11-16, 15:09
Hi ohdear. I'm struggling today too. So I don't have much to offer aside from you are not alone.

The best thing I find is to take things one day at a time. I totally understand what it's like to feel like you are taking a step or two backward. But I am sure you will move forward.

Be kind to yourself today. :hugs:

09-11-16, 15:51
Thank you EKB, so lovely of you to reply even though you're struggling yourself. Yes I think I need to take it a day at a time rather than trying to rush forward too quickly. Its such a comfort to know im not alone. Hope things improve for you soon .:hugs: