View Full Version : A diagnosis!! AT LAST!! Over the Moon

09-11-16, 14:33
I told you I was right!!!!!

I have gluten sensitive Irritable Bowel Syndrome which causes my low blood sugar and it's the combination of the low blood sugar and gluten that has been giving me the panic attacks.

Also because my gut transit is faster than it should be I can get dehydrated quicker and that causes panic and anxiety!!


09-11-16, 14:47
AWESOME! So pleased for you.

I gave up gluten at the start of August, and have felt a lot better.

Best of luck.

09-11-16, 15:00
Now that you have a diagnosis you'll get better.
Firstly because you know what to avoid and secondly because your anxiety over your condition will disappear.
The second day after my diagnosis I was completely better.

---------- Post added at 15:00 ---------- Previous post was at 14:50 ----------

I also gave up gluten. Really helps

09-11-16, 15:02
A lot of people are sensitive to gluten. The good thing is that you will be fully cured as long as you keep away from gluten, there are many good recipes that do not include gluten. I happen to know a little bit about it even though I don't have this problem myself.

09-11-16, 15:14
Yes Yes Yes and YES again. I've banged on about Gluten on here for ages and taking it out of your diet helps, the three of you have proved it for me. Thank you so much!!!!

Getting a diagnosis is 99% of the battle.

Having been ill for 40 years with it, and the likelihood is that I've had it since I was born, I have to say I've been in tears this afternoon.

It's wonderful.

09-11-16, 17:37
Shakey how did you get the diagnosis? Doctors look at me as if I'm mad when I describe my symptoms and I know I'm at least gluten sensitive if not coeliac

09-11-16, 17:41
I just went to my GP and explained my symptoms. I'd already gone GF on advice of my previous doctor (same practice, he'd just retired) and I was still having some symptoms.

Did some research on Dr Google and then went back to see my GP and was able to get a colonoscopy and from that, the consultant has the diagnosis.

First of all you could try getting a Coeliac test from Boots for around £20. If that comes up positive take the result to your doc and ask for further investigations.

If it's not a positive result, don't worry, just see your doc and ask them if it'll be ok to follow a GF diet and see how you get on, then if you feel better ask for more investigations.

09-11-16, 19:43
How does the consultant diagnose this from a colonoscopy though?You presumably have no abnormalities with intestinal villi or maybe you had a specific biopsy done?

09-11-16, 21:19
Ah sorry. I had a gene test. He was looking for a certain gene called HLA-DQ2 which I have tested positive for.

I went to my GP following a very bad episode of ill health, and after looking on Google they had me investigated fro Crohn's disease. It was from that colonoscopy and the gene test that he made his diagnosis.

I had already told him I was much better being on a GF diet

09-11-16, 21:48
Can you get the gene test on the nhs?

10-11-16, 08:29
So does this mean you have coeliac disease? I've never had this test myself (my Dad was a diagnosed coeliac) and have only had the usual blood test. Does this mean that the gene test will be used as a screening tool to replace the blood test in the future?

10-11-16, 10:05
I had everything done on the NHS. My GP referred me to a local private hospital that takes NHS patients.

Pulisa - don't go GF yet, keep eating normally as you need the antibodies to be detected on the test. Get they home test from Boots or another chemist. If that comes up positive go see you GP for a hospital blood test.

As for the gene test I couldn't tell you if it will be sued as a screening tool. If your dad has coeliac you should deffo go and get tested as it is a genetic disease.

10-11-16, 11:00
Can you get the gene test on the nhs?

Does it show up in the gene testing private companies have started supplying? They show up all sorts of things (I would have to get the name of the company out of the magazine I saw it in) but you then need to take the results to someone trained to interpret them.

10-11-16, 13:02
I had everything done on the NHS. My GP referred me to a local private hospital that takes NHS patients.

Pulisa - don't go GF yet, keep eating normally as you need the antibodies to be detected on the test. Get they home test from Boots or another chemist. If that comes up positive go see you GP for a hospital blood test.

As for the gene test I couldn't tell you if it will be sued as a screening tool. If your dad has coeliac you should deffo go and get tested as it is a genetic disease.

I've already been tested for Coeliac disease and fortunately don't have it. I thought that the only way to test for it accurately was to biopsy the intestinal villi and had never heard of this gene testing. It was lucky that your GP knew where to refer you for this test and also that you got the benefit of the private hospital on the NHS!

10-11-16, 16:20
I've seen the gene test advertised somewhere. I doubt I'd get it done on the NHS. I had a negative coeliac blood test a while back. I'd been gluten free for a while though so it could've been a false negative.