View Full Version : How do you treat your Panic Attacks?

04-04-07, 00:22

Sorry I am new to this site. For the past 2 weeks or so I have started getting panic attacks, struggling to breathe, chest pain, tight chest, shaking, fast heart beat etc.. I think I have had around 3 or 4 attacks.

I am just curious of what people do for the panic attacks, what medications are you on etc.

Sorry for all of the questions.



04-04-07, 08:34
Hi Shy

If you take a look at the Symptoms, First Step and How to Cope Links which are sittuated at the left hand side of this page, you will find some great advice there also.:)



04-04-07, 10:23
Hello !
Sorry to hear you've been having panic attacks. They can be really frightening. You need to read the info on this site and get clued up on what is happening to your body. Stress and anxiety makes normal reactions go into overdrive and that's what gives all the unpleasant symptoms.
A panic atack CANNOT harm you (scare you witless maybe !) and I find it helps to focus on what is actually happening to me rather than what if .... it's a heart attack.. I faint... I stop breathing...
I'm sure this sounds familiar to you too. You've already taken some really positive steps to get control of your panic - well done. This is a great website for support, you will see that we're all going through the same thing - and even if we do panic, nothing dastardly happens - we're all logging on the next day !
Time to get stress levels down and some quality rest and relaxation.

Be kind to yourself.

jude uk
04-04-07, 11:20
Yea I have to agree with both the above. Knowledge of what Is happening to you will help you to understand and then to cope and then hopefully to overcome it. A wee trip to the doctors for a check out wont hurt and it can also put your mind at rest.

Hope your feeling better

Granny Primark
04-04-07, 21:10
A panic attack was once described to me as one of the biggest adrenalin rushes you could ever have.
When I have one now I bear that in mind and just keep telling myself it will pass. Its a vicious circle once youve had one your so frightened of it happening again that maybe our fear is bringing them on again.

Take care

05-04-07, 23:15

Many Thanks to everyone who has replied and the advice given.

At the moment I suffer with depression, (which the doctor knows about) and gave me antidepressants. I have not told the doctor about the panic attacks just yet. I will do next time I go.

I get them if someone knocks on the door, I have a slight one today, where my heart is just beating fast, but somehow I did manage to hyperventilate or shake like I have done in the past attacks.

Once again many thanks for your advice.

When you have a panic attack what is the best thing you do to combat this?

